in #ladiesonhive3 years ago (edited)

It's another fun moment with the weekly contest brought to us by ladies on hive and for this week, we have an interesting topic to write on. I'll love to invite @estherscott to join the contest.

I'll answer and write on the second question which says If you could pick a favorite "happy place," where would that be?


Image by naeim jafari on
A happy place is where one goes to in time of distress, those times you have a lot up your sleeves and you need some peace and quietness. Sometimes you just need alone time to think, to pull your shit together and get your head back in order when need be. It's a place you get to focus on yourself with less distractions, ignore the world and meditate on that which you need idea on. Where you stay and before you return home, you get a soothing spirit and feel of relief and happiness.

To some people they may choose to go to the beach, sit there and gaze at the water while admiring the beautiful works of nature around like the trees, sand, sea animals etc whereas others would be happy seeing people happy and cheerful.

To others they may choose to run to God in prayers when in distress, sleep on church day and night and have their burden feel lighter which is still fine and nice.Some others may choose to drink and club,party all night and get intoxicated before they can have a very good sleep.They feel their worries can be forgotten at least for the mean time, but when the drunken effect is gone what next? They go on to repeat the cycle over and over again.

As for me, I've had several places I derive joy and happiness being in. Normally staying indoors in my room, on my bed all to myself and getting alone time used to be the best and happiest place for me. But lately I don't seem to get that joy and happiness anymore, despite needing a time alone I tend to feel so lonely. It's true I'm trying to create my own happiness, but in the process I noticed I'm almost depressed so I found a better option.

Image by Max van den Oetelaar on

My favorite place which is as well "my happy place" is sitting out in the garden in the evening and at night. I sit there alone maybe with my airpods on listening to amazing hits and jams by my favorite artists, and at the same time admiring the beautiful flowers of different colours which is an awesome gift of nature.
I see people around at different spots, obviously enjoying their own alone time and at least I don't have a feel of loneliness.

When it gets dark, I admire the sky and the beauty the moon and stars radiate at night and I begin to appreciate the tremendous works nature left for us to behold. Sometimes I even begin to count them and forget I ever had anything bothering me, my attention and focus automatically drifts away from what was and is then channeled to the very moment.

By the time I spend an hour or two, my spirit feels refreshed, my mind feels relieved and my mood feels so bright and lit. There's this feeling I get each time I have such moments, it makes me want to stay there and not return to my depressing room.

Even when I'm angry and sad I go to same spot, I stare and gaze around and if possible cry and let the tears flow freely down my cheeks and right after then I feel just fine. So even since I spotted this place, I've made it a routine to visit that exact spot once I feel like and ofcourse I always return better than I left.

Thanks for reading through


Aww this is lovely.. Thanks for the invite

You're welcome anytime

That is a really Beautiful happy place to have, my garden is a tressure and I spend much time there 😊 it is peaceful and like you say in evenings looking up in the sky is a favorite thing to do.
Feels like time stops sometimes right?

Thank you for sharing and Good luck 🌹

Oh yea, I'm glad you can relate a bit to what I'm saying. Thanks for stopping by