Crepe myrtle is one of the shade plants that look beautiful when pink flowering. The Latin name is Lagerstroemia Speciosa, or other name is Crape-myrtle Queen, or Pride of India. Crepe myrtle leaves benefits often used by our parents to treat diabetes and hypertension. Crepe myrtle is a species of Lagerstroemia that thrives in the tropical South Asian region.
Lagerstroemia indica is a deciduous shrub or small tree with an upright, vase-shaped crown; it can grow from 3 - 8 metres tall.
The tree is harvested from the wild for local use as a medicine and source of wood. It is used in soil stabilization projects and is a very ornamental plant, valued especially for its floral display and neat habit, being commonly grown in gardens, as a street tree etc from the warm temperate zone to the tropics - there are many named varieties.
Chemical compounds that have been isolate from leaf extract include corosolic acid, lager-stroemin, flosin B, reginine A, tannin, alkaloids, saponins, terpene, glucose. Characteristic of Crepe myrtle tree can seen from its growth, plant height can reach 45 m.
Generally Crepe myrtle grows between 25 to 30 meters and has many branches. Crepe myrtle stems are pale brown or even turn brownish red, floral features of a panicle and purple.