Hike to Hourglass Lake and Barney

in #lake7 months ago


This is Hourglass Lake. Yup, a lake in the shape of an hourglass--two large bodies of water and a small canal joining them. It was a tough hike to get up this high to see it. A forest fire came through here at some point, hence the dead trees. Interesting to see snow in the summer. It even snowed a bit as well.

The following are some shots of Meachen Creek Falls, which we went to on the way to the hike.




The following one is from the top of the falls:


On the hike I saw a number of these flowers. Can you identify them?


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Well what do you know, Barney the cat makes another appearance in a post! It is hilarious how he sleeps with his head on the pillow!


This place looks familiar!