
Blue Ridge Mountains?


Dang, dude, you nailed it! Bonus points if you can name the falls, but Blue Ridge is pretty specific. 👍

my weird Russian search engine is good, but not that good :D

Haha! Were you using a reverse image search?

yes. but the photo i found was not this good :D i have that site bookmarked from the photogames days.

it would be hard to guess that if you were not there :)

Nice, haha. Excellent sluething! :)

And yes, LOTS of unicorns. But I didn't see any, the trees were too thick.

it does look like a place with lots of unicorns :D

What a beautiful scene! Great shot.

Thank you, @revo, and again thank you for the reshare. :)

Gonna take a stab in the dark and say Falling Spring Falls in Virginia.

That's a pretty deadly stab in the dark - that's exactly it!! ;)

Well done! Have you seen these falls before?

You see well in the dark ;-)


Oooooh, right idea, wrong state!


Or Ecuador

No, but I feel like it could have been in Ecuador..


Haven't been there...yet..

Beautiful and in reading the comments I feel like we are playing #photogames again! :)

Yes, exactly! I loved Where is It Wednesday and all of the #photogames!