Learning a new language requires self-confidence, in our ability to retain new notions. It is not only about the technique but also about your level of personal development which is a tool that will work on the subconscious.
I read a very funny article that considers that hypnosis, and more specifically self hypnosis, can bring you if you want to learn English, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, in short ... n ' any language.
The use of self-hypnosis to solve the difficulty of learning or expression is broken down into 6 steps:
Step 1: Determine the blocking point precisely.
Step 2: Draw the problematic process (metaphorical).
Step 3: Draw the ideal situation
Step 4: Make the self-hypnosis session by moving from the drawing from step 2 to the drawing of step 3
Step 5: Plan for the future to verify that the change is working well
Step 6: Watch out for changes
I read a book called "Clean Language" before about using metaphors to achieve anything, I've always been vaguely interested in self-hypnosis but I haven't yet dug into it. Is there any resemblance to meditation?
I'm intrigued! Could you please link the original article, if you can find it?
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