Speaking new languages: the entrance to other cultures, something totally interesting and fun.

in #language8 years ago

I recently spoke with a friend who told me that I wanted to go to university to study the modern language race, at first I was surprised because I did not expect it coming from a person like him, but then he told me that one of his dreams was to travel By the world, to know cultures and all that, but obviously he needed to learn to communicate wherever he was and for that he needed to learn several languages. He saw it more as a passion than as an obligation or a job, he really did because he liked it and that is a totally valid point for any human being, to do something pleasing rather than obligation.

He also told me that learning different languages ​​opened several doors to him not only within the country, but around the whole world. But of course, in a world where borders and entrances to other countries are increasingly open, knowing different languages ​​can be a great advantage in your curriculum anywhere in the world, since people with multiple languages ​​are really enough Few in comparison to other things.

Currently the language that is considered as a universal language is English (until Spanish speakers will someday overcome them), this language seems to be the main language of the world, wherever you go you can speak English and there will be more people who understand what you want to communicate , Unlike other languages ​​that are actually almost unknown by other regions in the world. For example, if a German came to my country to speak to me in German I would not understand a fuck, but if he spoke to me in English if I could understand him much better. But nevertheless I remain with the posture of my friend, learning new languages ​​is the entrance to diverse cultures, something totally interesting and fun.

Learning other languages ​​is a way to open doors to yourself. A few months ago I was firing a friend who was leaving the country for the United States, this friend had a perfect handling of the English language and because it cost him so much to adapt to the United States, managed to get work in a store as a seller of Phone spare parts to start, and to be able to do his work he must have a broad and fluent knowledge of English, but this was never a problem for him, in fact, he has adapted much faster than other friends who also went to that country . But, what can be the most determining factor?, Of course it is the language, the way of communicating influences a lot in our dealings with other people, and going to another country without knowing the language is really a big obstacle to The people who want to develop new lives within another nation, my friend already knew a long time ago much about the language so it was not so difficult to establish itself within its new environment despite being a language other than the mother (Spanish ). But now imagine how it would have been for him not to have the slightest idea of ​​how English was spoken, probably would have cost him much more to adapt, probably would have cost him more to get a job, or maybe if he had gotten it but with much conditions lower. That is why knowing another language opens doors for you.

When you are learning a language, the others become easier to learn. There are many languages ​​that are similar to each other, for example, a language that I think may be similar to Spanish is Italian or even Portuguese, have similar words and a similar grammar. For me as a Spanish speaker it may be easier to learn Italian than German or French. But like Spanish, English or another language also have other similar languages. Once I was told that German and English may be somewhat similar, and that once I learned English, German would be easier to learn. In a TV show, a gentleman who knew 8 languages ​​said that the key was to learn a language, and immediately learn another language that resembled him, after a year or two he was speaking three languages, perhaps not as smoothly as A villager or a citizen of the country to which the language belongs, but if enough so as to communicate effectively with other people through these languages ​​he had learned.

It's totally fun. This I think is the most important thing, when learning a new language is always going to have a good time, because as I said before, it is the entrance to a new culture, and to be able to understand it in a fluid way it is necessary to listen to other people Speaking in that language, whether in films, radio, music, etc ... I for example, the English language I started to understand thanks to English music and TV shows that were in English, eventually my ear got used to it To the sound of pronunciation. It is also extremely fun to talk to other people in a different language.

When my friend told me that his dream was to travel the world to know other cultures, but that it was necessary to learn other languages, I fully understood because I also share that dream, other than that the citizens of other countries They appreciate the fact that you at least try to speak their language, but beyond that, there is a universe of opportunities in the world that are available in other languages, and learning a new language adds something of value to you To take advantage of these opportunities that the world offers.

And if you are one of the people that has the possibility of traveling, you will undoubtedly have too much fun talking to other people in a language other than yours.


follow me @ricardotorres

Images taken from pixabay.com


Agree my friend, absolutely agree. Learning another language will open my mind, make new relations with people who has different culture. I have became mutual friend ( using facebook term) with @samstonehill almost 5 months ago. I do not remember how I know him, but certainly it's cause by steemit. Ha...ha..! I learn English language so that the way to communicate with him. Luckily he is native speaker, so I glad know him. It is lucky for me have friend like @samstonehill also my facebook group friends like is @ebryan and others. Nice!

Yes, learning is really not easy, and even more if it is about leaving our comfort zone and, along with that, dealing with new cultures, slang, idioms, etc. Learning a new language has not only taught me that ... it has also taught me patience, perseverance, it has improved my hearing and its identification of errors or failures, it has improved the speaking of my native language, which is the Spanish ... imagine that and finally it has helped to improve my vocabulary (in both languages. Nice post, keep up the good work :D