스페인어를 배워보자 aprender español

in #language7 years ago


*esto ,esto es delicioso *

*eso,eso es bonito *

이것은 뭐죠?
¿Que es esto?

당신의 이름은 무엇이죠?
¿Cuál es tu nombre?

화장실이 어디에 있나요?
¿dónde está el baño?

어디에서 왔나요?
¿de donde vienes?

언제 람보르기니?
¿Cuándo Lambo?

그녀는 누구죠?
*Quien es ella? *

cómo estás
¿Cuánto cuesta ?

비트코인 얼마죠?
¿Cuánto cuesta Bitcoin?

빈방 있나요?
¿Tienen habitación para esta noche?



Nice post

ㅋㄱㄱㅋ. 스페인어 배운다더니 ㅋㅋ ㅋ 실행력 갑이시네요!

에 진짜 람보르기니가 언제임???? 저 놀리는거아니쥬...??
와 근데 3개국어 능통하시네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Yo puedo clases de español saludos

못 하시는 언어가 없으시네요 ㅠ.ㅠ

Buena iniciativa hermano. Sólo un consejo, la oración "cuando lambo" está mal escrita, qué quisiste decir en inglés? para corregirte :)

Good initiative bro, just an advice, the sentence "cuando lambo" is not well- written. What did you mean in english? I will correct you if you want.

Was thinking the same thing... cuando lambo is what translated? When lambo?

HAHA IT going to be awesome lol I mean literally when lambo?

But I don't know which when I should use. There is two when
"When" morning come I start writing
I start writing "when" night comes.

Lol, it makes no sense to me, but my guess is that is some kind of crypto slang that can't be translated to spanish 😂 correct me if I'm wrong

HAHA thank you for your feedback:)

First Korean, now Spanish xD Well at least this time I understood everything my friend, are you trying to learn Spanish? I'm Portuguese which is very similar, so if you need any help i'm here

I know you don't need to try to learn Spansih :( ... Good for you,I need 2 hours to memorize irregular be verb!!!!

Trust me, if i tried to learn your language i would take more than 2 hours to learn a verb, i have very poor memorizing skills :( What made it easier for me understand english and spanish was to actually see movies and TVshows in spanish, so if i had to learn korean, chinese, german or any other language very different than my own i would probably try to watch tv shows and movies with that language on

hehehe muy bien amigo !!! aprendiendo español !! i hope you understand fast to speak in spanish !!!