Your sentence can´t be deduced from the original one Ženu holí stroj. When I was first told it, and that it had three meanings, I could only find two. The third meaning was probably so improbable to me that I couldn´t figure it out.
ženu can mean both woman (in 4th grammatical case) or I am driving
holí can mean both with a stick, using a stick or he/she/it shaves
stroj can mean both a machine or dress up (imperative)
See my answear to teodor. He´s a Czech too so you can ask him also for more spicy details about strč prst skrz krk and so on
Your sentence can´t be deduced from the original one Ženu holí stroj. When I was first told it, and that it had three meanings, I could only find two. The third meaning was probably so improbable to me that I couldn´t figure it out.
ženu can mean both woman (in 4th grammatical case) or I am driving
holí can mean both with a stick, using a stick or he/she/it shaves
stroj can mean both a machine or dress up (imperative)
See my answear to teodor. He´s a Czech too so you can ask him also for more spicy details about strč prst skrz krk and so on