I started a landscaping business πŸ‘ŒπŸ€πŸ₯΄πŸ˜¨πŸ™, wish me luck..

in #lanscaping β€’ 3 years ago



I love my job as a recovery coach, but I have always known that I wanted to start a landscaping business. I love the work, I love nature, and I love to create things.

My one hangup was I wanted to start super legit and have all the best equipment, a truck, money to advertise, etc.

So the year before last I canceled and said I'd start in 2021, and then last year I did the same thing.

I have a HUGE problem with procrastinating and a big part of that comes from my HUGE fear of rejection and failure.

So a month into the season I committed myself to getting what I can together and hit the ground running. Even if it was with just a pair of scissors...I'm cutting grass!!

My first week has been going great! I've met a lot of people, gotten a few good-paying jobs, gotten to spend a day out in nature on a beautiful well taken care of the land ...AND I GOT PAID FOR IT.
...and who doesn't like to learn about things they are passionate about.

I also love that now my main two sources of income will also be in sync with what I am passionate about.
I'm finally DOING IT, rather than talking about it.

-Thanks for checking out my post! Part 2 will be dropping tomorrow at 9 a.m. and that will be my new posting time. I'm shooting for one a day.

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Congrats man! That is awesome!!!! You just gotta DO IT!, and you did, nice work! I hope it turns out to be a great venture for you.

Thank you man. It is definitely Challenge, but I'm giving it my all! Thanks man!


Thank you man! It's going to be an interesting journey for sure.