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RE: Lantana - ecstacy to some, agony to others.

in #lantana7 years ago

Lantana comes from the verbena family of plants. Lantana is an evergreen vining shrub. It is one of several plants that are recommended if you want a desert plant that lives well in a desert climate. It is perennial, meaning you will only need to plant it once. You can get pale yellow, bright yellow, orange, pink and purple varieties. The nice thing about using lantana is that it flowers pretty much all year long.

Some species of lantana are considered an invasive species. For instance, a common species, Lantana camara (also called Spanish flag) easily invades ecosystems and often forms in dense thickets. It can quickly dominate and suppress the growth of native plants, turning forest communities into shrublands.

It has become a serious economic pest in the citrus groves of Florida because it can reduce the crop yield.




