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RE: Lantana - ecstacy to some, agony to others.

in #lantana7 years ago

Caring for Lantana Plants
Bring a Little Piece of Florida to Your Own Landscaping

USDA Plant Hardiness Zones, Plant Characteristics, Growing Tips

Lantana plants can be grown as evergreen perennials in USDA planting zone 8 and higher. These flowers are not native to Florida but have become naturalized there and are widespread. In fact, the shrubs are considered invasive plants there and in certain other warm regions. In more northerly zones, they are treated as annuals.

They are known for their rounded clusters of small, brightly-colored flowers. The flowers may be yellow, orange, white, red and purple, and often colors are mixed within the same cluster, creating a bicolored effect. Most people dislike the smell of the flowers. But the aroma of their foliage qualifies them as fragrant plants, in the view of some gardeners. The leaves smell, in fact, like citrus.

Lantana plants can reach 6 feet high (with a spread of 8 feet) in a Florida landscape. They are salt-tolerant, making them popular in beach communities.

They are also drought-tolerant once mature. Grow lantana in full sun. These flowers want well-drained ground but will tolerate poor soils.

They are sometimes called "verbena bushes", although nurseries selling them in hanging baskets do make a distinction between lantana plants and verbena (the latter also being a popular plant for hanging pots).

Evergreen perennials in hot regions, they are more often grown just for the summer months in colder climates. The purple variety (L. montevidensis) is even more vine-like than the rest, and, consequently, it is a better hanging plant.

Northerners sometimes wonder if they can be taken indoors in fall and overwintered as houseplants. The answer is yes and no. Yes, they can be overwintered inside, but they do not thrive as houseplants. It is better to place them in an unheated room for the winter and keep them in a dormant state, providing just minimal light and water. The temperature of the room should not dip much below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.


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