This is a very beautiful plant.It look's nice in the garden.
Botanical Name of the plant is Lantana camara var. aculeata.This plant also known as Lantana scabrida, Camara vulgaris, wild sage, red-flowered sage, and largeleaf lantana are similar.
It is from tropical America.It looks like Smelly scrambling evergreen shrub to 4-5 m with woody taproot with laterals that sucker when broken. Young stems are 4-angled, hairy and prickly, and older stems are rounded, woody, much branched, and brittle. Hairy, ovalish leaves (3-9 cm long) in opposite pairs along the stems, very wrinkled, and have toothed edges.
There are some similar species: Other L. camara cultivars and crosses. Lantana montevidensis is low growing or prostrate, has smaller leaves and purple or white flowers, and is occasionally weedy.
What damage does it do?:Totally smothers and replaces all other species on the ground, causing permanent loss of habitat.
What can you do to get rid of it?:Remove small infestations first.
Spray (best in November-December): glyphosate (100ml/10L + penetrant) or Tordon Gold (10ml/L).Cut down and paint stump (all year round): glyphosate (200ml/L).
Don't replant for two years after all plants destroyed.Seed longevity usually low. Replant with dense cover and constantly check for new seedlings. That's all from me.
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