Forest Lantana
I'm a woman who likes lantana flowers but is a little lazy to take care of her.
So far I have not found it too difficult to find a flowering but ineffective plant as I wanted.
One of my favorite flowers is the Lantana flower. Lantana is called a crop of a million sangking people easily find lantana. But clearly Lantana proved to be able to add vibrant gardens and gardens with an attractive interest. The colors of Lantana flowers are quite varied, from purple, yellow, white and red, there are also some types with a combination of white-yellow or white-magenta. Terms of growth is also easy, enough water and direct sun heat. Fertilization can be done once a month with NPK.
Originally Lantana comes from the mainland of America, then spread throughout the world to reach Indonesia. Do not know exactly when to get to Indonesia.
In Indonesia, Lantana is often called the flower because of the aroma of the leaves leu a langu and less savory if the hand touch. So, just look at it :) Lantana grows well in the highlands to the hot lowlands.
To my knowledge there are 2 types of plants Lantana, the first is Lantana that grows shrubs, while the second is Lantana that grows creeping.
Lantana bushes can grow up to 2 meters in height. Generally Lantana this type of shrub bush thorns, which although not very large thorns, but nyebelin also kalo until handed. Lantana type creep grows elongated but can not climb / propagate. Mostly used for cover crops. In addition it can also be used as a hanging plant, growing dangling ornaments with beautiful flowers.
Currently practically Lantana is a plant mainstay decorate my garden. While other plants are lying helplessly against the white lice attack, the Lantana remains gloriously free from the disruptive pests of that one.
But there are some things to watch out for from Lantana. Lantana can become a pest plant if its growth is not controlled. In addition to easy to grow alias minimal maintenance, Lantana bush is also fast growth.
One more thing, the fruit of the Lantana plant includes poisonous fruit. Young fruit plants lantana green color, which will change color to black after the old. The poison is found in young fruit, so do not eat it. :)
To multiply, Lantana can be grown from seed or from stem cuttings. Multiply from seed is usually more difficult and more time-consuming when compared with propagation by stem cuttings. Lantana sold in stalls of ornamental plants usually comes from propagation by stem cuttings.
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