So Much Talking About Bread

in #laodicea3 years ago (edited)

I would be a fool not to take @frankbacon’s advice again.

It would now be hypocrisy to remain.

Yeast of the Pharisees.


This is my battlefield.

I don’t have to ask anybody.

I did the truthing with terms and conditions thing.

Might as well be sitting on the sidewalk in San Diego being looked at like a cancer on culture’s leg.

They will turn your efforts off as soon as they get to be productive.

This ‘personal blog’ is where I did my journalism.

The stuff I didn’t want them to erase.


I know what @cleanenergygarro wants people to see and I know why he wants people to see it NOW.

What is a telegram account if not a personal social media account?

I’m out on the land of discerning media entities.

Been bored with that since #AskJordan Sather got batted around as if @mstrashworthy’s cat toy.

No need to be dramatic about getting off Telegram.

It is a bit responsible to periscope up the exodus for those who aren’t feds lurking amongst agents spinning good peoples wheels into oblivion.

So yeah I’m good.

Matter of fact… better than good.

Nobody has yet answered my riddle.

It is quite the relief to down another social media project to get more focus on anti-social media projects.

There is still much work to be done and I will continue to do it where I prefer to do it.

In person or on the blockchain.

If it is His will. Of course.




A-Team Brother4Life~!

First they came after Alex Jones... Now they are taking down our Music...

🖖#AskJordan 21 Shadow Ban Apocalypse Now~!

Which social media platform will the J6 committee come for first?


Patriot Roundups inbound?


Sometimes Future Proves Past and I can tell your work and sweat is not in vain.

People connected is the greatest treat for them, and we are bounded by new form of friendship they don’t have in their Ranks. We communicate Truth to protect Reality from Fiction. The game is on.

🖖🤬"You are here... for the Superbowl of Survival..." Ben Davidson - Suspicious Observers
