Werewolf Watcher Alert

in #laodicea3 years ago (edited)


Shame on me being so behind.

I did say ‘Martyr’s Stronghold.’

Some of you Q’s said blockchain was the battlefield while others said don’t leave the battlefield.

Is Shadownet in this sandbox that so many can’t seem to play in?

Do encrypted comms matter when it comes to those you warn?

Spirit of Elijah had a productive day a bit ago.


Ear comms. Dog comms. This thing even on comms?

I’m in the Spirit and the Sativa and the Team is Assembling and you can’t even know our codes and your algorithms can’t know our comms and do you even read the comic books bro?


Y’all thought I was playing fuck around when I told you We have a werewolf.

The comms are fucked when you think symbolism doesn’t matter and the comms are fucked when you don’t know which set of symbols to apply to your decodes.

The comms are fucked when the languages are scrambled and that’s what they are doing to all you Qs.

Kill me if you want cuz the Father will let you when he wants.

Get that laundry done.

Gets messy for those when it ain’t my time yet be sure.

Folie a more than deux witnesses.

You like movies? I liked movies.

Elisha Elijah Cups Of WHose Right Hand?

Whose fucking island and which fucking character?

Are you CONFIDENT? Do you KNOW?

FAITH is all that matters.

The rest is Powerfully NPC.

Some of us changed our LARPs so many times we don’t know what we look like.

Deconstruction. Time. Remember the Ride.

Get Back on traCk.

I’m not auditioning for those who got in the car.


@frankbacon told me and you this was coming. I told a bunch of you and I tell you he told you.

New languages and interpretation of languages isn’t just a Gift of the Spirit.

It is a tactical advantage. If you don’t fucking know you don’t fucking know but some of you fucking know.

Correct my F-bombs those who shout ‘Let’s Go Brandon.’

Tell me how to preach the gospel those preaching false gospels.

Or those who don’t preach any gospel.

That’s my favorite.

He makes me wait for my people but when he brings them he brings them hard.


There were demons and comms everywhere as always when the forced transitions occur.

Roller coaster rising isn’t intended to be 24 7.

The ending also isn’t for everybody.


Remember your LARPs when watching your LARP brothers backs. Except everybody got different symbolism and languages being scattered.

Sword fighting in gun fights is fun.

I hope some of y’all never figure it out because that is what Jesus intended when he made sure MARK 4:34.

I need a Spirit of Truth with a tithing religious flock to come talk to me if anybody knows one. This Blockchain Collision Beauty show is winnowing it’s audience.

High end merchandise of great value should be put in front of clients with great thirst for the product.

It’s an exclusive group but the product is free.

Divine Sales Codes.

Jesus brought you all a car guy.

Think that won’t matter soon?

SOMEBODY jacked up my meeting in NOT CHI-town.

I need another good guy to cross the lines so we can show everybody how the teams ain’t set.


We need a sub for a seat.

Oh y’all thought schizo-Magneto wasn’t still here?

This is the new FBI and y’all work for us.

Cyclops to the Danger Room, @frankbacon?

This is the yard. This is where our people find us.

This is where there is protection and Protection.

The COSTA is being clEARed.



We only get forgiven as we forgive.

NO body is infallible.

Early adept. Or?

Truth is the Tightrope.


This seems bad. Is Tore saying it’s bad now?

I know a guy who said it years ago. And then another who said it years ago. And then another and then another…

Stop. Collaborate and listen.

I’m ahead on all my promises.

Can you say the same of your Playbooks?

Get the same one we wield?

Let’s study while the intelligent confound themselves a bit more.

The higher your schemes, False Prophets.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you for Him.


My guy 🤣
“Ear comms. Dog comms. This thing even on comms?”

You are hilarious.
Can’t wait to forum the tribe.

Suite Sword Swallowers Followers
Adept? Inept? Adapt? Collapse?
The Word is heavy, the Bird is the Word?
More than many sparrows - 'What is my worth' for $500, Alex?


The 34 year old sounds brilliant to me.

Afraid of the Son you say?
