Oh wow interesting topic!
Hong Kong girls gets called 港女 a lot and this term is not very pleasant. Not every girl from HK is like that. Taiwanese girls does give the impression they speak softly like 林志玲。
Oh wow interesting topic!
Hong Kong girls gets called 港女 a lot and this term is not very pleasant. Not every girl from HK is like that. Taiwanese girls does give the impression they speak softly like 林志玲。
恩,其實各地都有比較不好聽的名詞形容人,所以我很喜歡一句話,因為你滿足不了所有人,所以你就做好你自己就好! :D
林志玲的聲音聽起來還算很舒服,最經典的聲音還是一位台灣資深藝人-林美照((先說好,我知道她不代表我年紀是在那時代喔! LOL)),她在我的印象中,是台灣聲音聽起來最酥麻的女生了,撒嬌一下就會讓對方不要不要的~ :P
我的聲音,離那個境界還相當遙遠.... ((遠看