No dumbass. Look at the date of the post you are replying to. Then look at the other XEN posts after that you posted. Like your "XEN on a run" post
MAYBE your lie would make sense if you were one of the crypto influencers whose videos you just look at the titles of and pretend you watched. Those kind of crypto scam promoters are paid to pump the shitcoins and then dump. That's not you. You can't even keep a YouTube video with your bad crypto investment advice public for a week.
Obviously not an insult there. If your "maybe 1,5 years then, something like that" was true then you've purposely been actively still promoting a crypto scam you no longer believed in.
Either case you are a deceptive liar. But to steelman you maybe you are confused because you've promoted so many shitcoins that you want to pretend like you never promoted. For only a few examples:
Your "Strong endorsement" of ICOSA:
The JACK token:
Your video about HEDRON you are too embarassed to ever make public again:
OR your own shitcoins LasseTeddy and GoldenGoose:
"Tokenomics to be released together with the LasseDoge, LassePepe and LasseHippo." Yeah, I will bookmark that one in case I write a post for 5 more reasons LasseCash is trash.