Can't wait for your job interview post when you describe how you tried to explain why you were fired from Pizza Hut for wasteing time making edible flat Earth maps.
Oh, wait...How are you going to find locations? You're a flat earther. It's not like you are going to be using those round Earth GPS maps that the "STATIST" NASA liars fake, right?
Then when I invest the money in Titan X and have a 10000X potential, it all begin to make sense.
It makes sense why you are so desperate now to be a taxi driver. I was wondering how you still had money after getting rekt by HEX and XEN. You don't have any money left. Now you are going to blow new money on tripling down on TitanX after super mega hyperdeflation failed.
What happens when you get fired for giving bad investment advice to your passangers and calling them "STATISTS!" when they don't agree with your dumbass pseudoscience?