Helios comes with new date.

in #lassecashlast year

According to TitanXhub, its 6 days from now.

Now personally I am not a huge fan of Helios, but I know many are, so potentially it will pump the Titan X price soon.

I am more into KingXTitanxMarket and Titan X itself.

You heard it here first.


Posted using LasseCash


I am more into KingXTitanxMarket and Titan X itself.

As far as I know the last one to give a damn what you supported was @weedbook. Want to ask @weedbook how following your advice worked out?

It was a big mistake to trust Lasse Ehlers. Like a 1000$+ one. Hurts. I dont want others to lose that amount of money. They dont grow on trees. 😐