Thank you for putting your light on one of the best cryptocurrencies ever, HEX. Now HEX on pulsechiain is the main hex and I believe it has 1000X maybe even 10000X potential from the bottom.
You did a good job, even I might not agree about all the details.
Posted using LasseCash
If you are not satisfied with your ChatGPT prompts I can help. I know you charge yourself 16 HBD but I am open to negotiating my fee down to tree fiddy.
If I wanted to I can generate a ChatGPT blog post and change it just enough to obfuscate detection. What does that prove about it not being ChatGPT generated?
You refuse to answer this question so let's make it a game instead. Do you like games Lasse?
Fill in the blank: It costs 16 HBD for Lasse to onboard a new "real" user because ________________________________________
It doesn't have to be just complete the sentance. Write an entire post if you want. Just fill in the blank.
Hello @holovision this is you from the year 2025. Yeah, we have to fix the mess @lasseehlers is going to make.
Next year (2024) @lasseehlers is going to buy one of those fake doctorates from an on-line degree mill. You know how @lasseehlers has to fall for every scam at least once. Yes, adding a fake degree to his narcissistic arrogance is of course going to cause him to demand everyone refer to him as "Dr. Lasse Ehlers" as he shits out more flat Earth nonsense. You/I don't need to be from the future to predict that.
Anyway, discount rack pseudoscientist @lasseehlers is going to try to scam the Hive DHF a third time. That is why I have come back in time to help myself and the rest of Hive. There is a letter on the bookshelf containing a proposal of our own to post when that happens.
Wow! This must all be true because unspecified reason prevents anyone from faking this kind of thing on Hive.