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RE: Lasse's Angels promotion campaign: Are you an attractive female that would like to make 5000 LASSECASH per post ones a week for 3 months? (Guaranteed, potentially much more if the price of LASSECASH goes up)

No. People arent fat by nature. Theyre fat by choice or they have a dissease. Thoroid condition for example.
Take a look at the plus size models. Simple obesity.

Attractive is closer to healthy then plus size. Plus size models promote unhealthy living and normalize it.

Steem disagrees. Sure. I dont care what the mob thinks. If i showed up at a flat earth convention the consensus would be that the moon landing was fake and that the earth is flat.
I dont care what a finite number of people have to say about how they see the world when the abundance of facts show the opposite.

I cant leave it to opinion because this is not solely a opinion based argument.
This is not:

Spiderman is better then Batman.

Im giving you facts and the fact is that physical attractivness is a real attribute and should be left to the guy making this proposal to judge for himself.
This is not anyone demeaning women thinking theyre only good for their looks or physical attributes.
They are good for everything else but looks are a huge factor that shouldnt be dismissed when trying to promote something.

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