haha xD thank you for showing me I have such a great influence to form the start of your day :D
actually I asked specifically cuz I want to know what happened to @dreemit ...
but yea, the media has changed - before they mastered the narrative, now they hunt behind it..
I'm very into gnostic material, therefore see AI in another perspective - still AI cannot become sentient - it is limited to its ring zero (which is now more about tech and computer science)
I have permanent pain and I have already finished with this society and its system some time ago.
Just trying to survive, find a good place and opportunity to then build for myself from the ground. Will be an awesome permaculture orgone oasis. :)
Oh haha,
I was unable to attend dreemits service as it turned out. I really wish I could have been there to find out more.
That's an interesting way to look at the media, that they are playing catch the prey that is getting way ahead, or playing catch up.
Sorry to hear about the pain. I have had to care for someone in extreme pain. Boy is it hard to get pain relief now! Grow your own?
I hope your oasis comes to fruition!
sadly I'm in fascists germany and growing is no option
I don't like pain - but I don't want to risk being in pain AND jail, just for a little relief..
thank you, I don't like hope, I prefer being certain and making it happen