Las Vegas Updates with follow the money, cui bono, Jesus Campos not security guard? Helicopter footage used in Illuminati blood sacrifice, crisis actors, witnesses report multiple witnesses, me and my money Illuminati references

in #lasvegasshooting7 years ago (edited)

Please watch the videos and previous postings and share.

The REAL Winners of V-e-G-a-$ MSM Doesn't Wanna Talk About!! by High Impact Flix

How naive to think that the movers and shakers in the casino world weren't expecting something big to happen. Unfortunately money is made from tragedy. BIG MONEY!
The ultra wealthy didn't attain that level by being stupid. These people think WAY ahead. Their chess game is almost completed before their opponent moves the first piece. I don't buy that these "elites" didn't see this V-e-G-a-$ incident coming. What do you guys think? BTW...source links are in the description.

Murren with DHS: Murren's SEC form: Soros' SEC form:

Cui bono... "who does this benefit?"
James Murren, CEO of MGM sits on board of Homeland Security Advisory Counsel. Divested 80% of stock that the stock would go down. Soros put down on that same bet that MGM shares would go down of $42 million. Follow the money, since for the love of money is the root of all evil.

F***NWO, Soros, Illuminati, Federal Reserve, etc.
Police State mirrored to Minority Report #HegelianDialectic


FEMA drill taking place that day.

Must See Footage: Muzzle Flashes Seen Coming From Helicopter During Las Vegas Massacre

STRANGER THINGS About Vanishing Las Vegas Security Guard Jesus Campos And Stephen Paddock by Charles Walton

No records of Campos working there as a Security Guard nor listed as Employee that day.
Award ceremony, Mob Dinner, Limping from leg injury?
Shot himself in leg?

Mandalay Bay Hotel Security Guard Las Vegas Shooting Missing
Las Vegas Shooting 2017
200 Incidents Of Paddock Video Footage Shooter Around Las Vegas Area Moving Around
Link: 200 Incidents of Paddock Moving Around The Las Vegas Area see BELOW..
Exposed Jesus Campos

“And how did police find 200 incidents of Paddock moving through Las Vegas in about one weeks time of investigative work? Did they visit every place in the whole city? lol How is it possible to find 200 in about a week and review all of this footage that quickly? Makes no sense at all... And yet there is not even one video of him shown in that area anywhere that we can find for public viewing. There is no way to get a gag order on all of these 200 places where he was supposedly seen by police investigators!”
Comments from Viewers: “Is there a video of this award ceremony? Like to know if he was limping from his leg injury...”
“I think he shot himself in the leg and he's under investigation.”

Crisis Actors in Las Vegas by bobby sands

Showing three of the fake crisis actors from the Las Vegas false flag shooting along with a few other examples of crisis actors. The video then moves on to tackle the training movie that was filmed before the "shooting" had even taken place and is used as proof by the lying government. Please check out the "Anaconda maltliquor" channels.

Don't be Deliberately Dumbed Down by the Powers that shouldn't be.
Both Parties, Same Coin, Same End. Parties Change, POLICIES DOESN'T. All by Design, World's A Stage.

Fake Blood packets used are bright red blood. Blood doesn't dry up that quickly.
Comments from Viewers:
"Dude that liveleak video was a trip. The so called guy checking people had no gloves and had blood on his hands. He was just spreading HIV and Hepatitis to everyone."
"just watched it. perfect. well done. my fav part is at the end, after this guy has run around and filmed all these people, he tells the medic "i need lights. i got nurses over there and there", the dude goes "ok....wait. who are you?" and the dude goes "innocent bystander" xD xD xD the only thing funnier would have been if he said "im batman!!!!""

Las Vegas Shooting Eyewitness Planet Hollywood by OroraMonroe

"My experience in Las Vegas during the shooting event on 10-1-17. The gunshots that I heard occurred near the door to the strip from Planet Hollywood sometime between 10:00 and 10:15pm that evening. I will add the links that I stated to this description when I finish compiling them into a list, also, please excuse the audio when I am doing the screencast. The webcam mic is crackling."
Watch this lady and share we need we need to get these people out there and there's more like her who made video beginning the first night as the shooting!

Gio Rios and his Girlfriend shot at In many different locations beginning with the Route 91 festival. PLEASE LISTEN TO HIM. He recounts shots fired and also crossfire situations during his long night!!! (1 hr. 26 sec. video)

Austin and Patrick - Shots Fired at New York New York

Comment from a Viewer: “Thanks for posting this...I know exactly where you were. There is obviously a major cover-up going on, and I'm very unhappy with the way the Strip casinos imagine that it's their right to manage reality...they are losing my future business, for sure. There is no way that shots fired at Mandalay Bay could be heard at PH. Be aware that while people were killed or maimed, corporate media is showing a lot of staged/phony footage. There's a reason for this. The whole thing stinks to high heaven.”
"This is crazy! Luxor hotel bomb threat!!! That's new info!" POLICE SCANNER TRANSCRIPT

WHAT HAPPENED? by Truth Seeker

In this video, I share my extensive research and a part of the puzzle I haven’t heard anyone talk about before. I didn’t even attempt to monetize this video even though I have put hours into research, recording, editing, and uploading with every link I have amassed along the way and reference. For me, it is not about the money but about discerning what really happened and why.
If I used a video clip here that you wish for me to take down (there is an asterisk next to the video linked below if I did use your video), please let me know: [email protected]. I will remove it immediately. If I did use a clip, I have done my best to give proper credit as to where I obtained it and a link to the source.
Thank you for your consideration. I hope you will add to the discussion below.
“Be the change you want to see in the world.” -Mahatma Ghandi
Much love xx,
Incident Page Network (IPN) "SUSPICIOUS DEVICE 10/01/17 23:?? (PARADISE - ) METRO ON SCENE DEVICE IN AN ACURA SUV AT LUXOR, SETTING PERIMETER. [NEV777]" data from Youtube user "Truth Seeker" video @4:07 (uploaded on 10/11/17)

4 Key Las Vegas Shooting Witnesses Are Now Missing Or Dead

Vegas Shooting The REAL Timeline! All Videos Synced w Police Scanner First to Last shots COMPLETE by Jimmy Tename’

Comments From Viewers: “Is the young female who was found dead in her home a week later a message to the rest of the witnesses?”
“Kymberley Suchomel. Her facebook page was pulled. On her page she was talking about multiple shooters and how much anxiety she was having over everything that happened. She was in her 20s.”

Mandaly Bay Shooter Sinatra Sammy Davis Anton LeVay Illuminati by Colleen Wasner

Apparently Mandalay is the name of the highest lodge at Bohemian Grove where the real sacrifices take place.

Robbie Williams - Me And My Monkey (Official)

ME AND MY MONKEY - MANDALAY BAY - (The Final Cut) by Angel White

Tons of Illuminati symbolism. The Fez is Freemason/Illuminati.
Predictive Programming into Las Vegas Shooting

Las Vegas Shooting portrayed in 2002 Song & Video (Harvest/911) by IT IS FINISHED

Our enemy in Revelation 9:11: “They have as King over them the angel of the bottomless pit; his name in Hebrew is Abad’don and in Greek he is called Apollyon.”

Previous postings

Las Vegas Shooting Investigation with attempt to blow the fuel tanks and CIA Black Ops with Amerithrax 2001 vs Las Vegas 2017

Eminem awkward anti-Trump rant is distraction from real events behind the scenes, responses, Archie Bunker tried to warn us, bonus Illuminati connections with Blade Runner and Las Vegas False Flag Event

Predictive Programming with Las Vegas Shooting as Illuminati False Flag mirrored to The Accountant, Jason Bourne, and Minority Report

Las Vegas False Flag event leads to Minority Report...Cui Bono? Loss of Freedom, Police State, Body Scanners like Minority Report

Trump to Avenge CIA Vegas Massacre on TV!

More details revealed on Paddocks ties with the Russian Mafia was CIA & FBI blowback, How his father landed with the CIA, CIA operation at Vegas Shooting, Trump tell all?

Updates with Las Vegas, possible Paddock look alike video aftermath, Dan Bilzerian satanic vampire exposed, muzzle flash debunked 4th floor, analyzes and geoengineering

Las Vegas updates, petition, shooting at Bellagio hotel, proof of multiple shooters, key witness kills himself & daughter following FBI raid, crisis actors moving arms & no swelling, bruising, automatic rapid gun fire mirrored to Aliens film

Las Vegas Shooting Hoax, Crisis Actors Reunion and other Crisis Actors, Victims Liveleak Breakdown

Las Vegas updates with Insider Trading, Censorship, 2 CIA Assets arrested, Crisis Actors Crowd Expose & neck wound healed & on CNN, Muzzle flash 2nd building of Mandalay Bay

Other previous postings within this one.
Las Vegas updates with testimony and forensic acoustic proof of multiple shooters, Inside Job, Official Story is BS, 200 bullets hit security guard in leg yeah right, Podesta's son-in-law's brother as FBI Agent in charge of Vegas Shooting


Red Pill Jen... I do some publishing, can I get permission to include your blog posts, or large sections of them, in a book on the Las Vegas Shooting?

Sure, no problem please do. What's important is getting the word out. Truth is what matters. You should thank those who have put together the videos and articles. I'm just forwarding what is there. Thank you for what you do.