We all know that one person in life – a friend, family member have a habit of adding three little words every time 'Sorry, I'm late'. Does this sound like you? There is always a child minded person who always crosses every deadline.
There is always a friend make a reservation but didn't reach on time – there are few habits of people that make them being selfish but the psychology of lateness offers a glimpse into a mind.
Late people are not rude:
There is always a perception for the late people that they are selfish or rude but you are misguided as late people always want to make their family terms as well boss happy – they are the people that are not rude according to the psychology of lateness but if you are a typical person then you might don't like to wait for the people.

Late people always make excuses:
The people that are late always make excuses – some of them are original as if they had an accident or illness but some of them are the lame excuses. The science told us that some people have nature of being late or they want to reach late every place or they get annoyed from any mishap such as if a friend ask me to reach at any time from seven and I reach at eight then a friend also annoyed me.
A psychology professor had done a research over different students – he categorized the people as type A or type B – type A belongs to competitive or ambitious while type B contains people with nature of creative, explorative or reflective – he asked them to judge one minute without looking at time and the answers are amazing as type A people judged one minute round 58 seconds whereas the type B people judged one minute after 77 seconds – see more about details.
Reasons for people being late:
• They know that being early there is nothing to do – they know that it is just matter of wasting time.
• They remain often awkward while waiting for others – they know that arriving just a few minutes early make them proud but reaching beyond time will make them fool.
• They have a fear that people might think those who reached early have enough free time or their time has no value.
Fix your brain:
The psychologist or experts added that people need to change their routine or thinking as people are first fear of deadline or event and if they are late then it becomes an excuse. For instance, you are writing an article or later thought what your friends think about it – this is the fear that often makes people late – you can view more details click here.

You need to drop the element of fear from your mind or need to change the critical thinking – as you worked on time towards the goal, you might see the importance of the being a reliable person – Read More