LAToken - Almost 1 Year in and it's Looking Good........?

in #latoken7 years ago

I've always loved the LAToken model. The platform is still in its infancy, but the idea is great.
As I've written about it many times, I won't bore you, just check out their site

It seems as though they have at least temporarily removed some of the assets up for tokenization:
Looks like a tons more, but the Equities and Commodities are not listed for some reason, and I can't find why yet.
STILL - I'm looking forward to their venture into tokenenizing Real Estate and Jewelry.

You can still submit a potential contract and get listed though:
List Assets.png

And here is a really nice year in review (credit to latoken blog)

As always I'll keep an eye on this one, as I really hope they gain even more ground on their mission.


I see what's happening here :). Intelligent man.

:) Get your game on while you can.