Lavalamp - more than an hour of hot, uncensored lavalamp action!

in #lavalamp7 years ago (edited)

Put on some smooth tunes of your choosing (or rough stuff like metalcore or some Kraftwerk, if that's what lets you relax), and enjoy: Once again, my Mathmost Baby Astro. This time, from warmup to cool down, well over an hour - and back! Okay, okay. Only part of the warmup. I turned it on but, after a few minutes, noticed the camera needed adjusting. So as to not miss the good bit, I turned it off, adjusted the camera, then turned the lamp back on again. The action that then came, though, looked a bit different. Instead of the series of long, gnarly fingers gnarlying their way up, it starts with a big bulge that rises and, eventually, comes loose as the smooth ball of wax we usually only get to see after the initial, gnarly fingers have molten into the base again. My explanation: the little break I gave the lamp allowed for the different temperatures in different areas of the block of wax enough time to even out. Consequently, without hotspots in te wax, those didn't erupt through the still mostly cool surface, and it went straight to evenly-heated operation.