A short update on my traffic ticket experience

in #law8 months ago

Ok, so, I've received confirmation of some pretty crazy things.

I got two parking tickets. When they were sent to me I filed a series of criminal complaints against the judge and the organization that wrote them. There's a variety of fraud that's ongoing in those tickets and I took offense.

Rather than getting laughed at and humiliated for doing such a dumb thing and also not becoming a giant target for retaliation; a number of things happened.

  1. The initial judge requested the president judge put a different judge in his place
  2. I was sent a new summons
  3. I arrived for the new summons, the judge was in the building for an arraignment right prior to me, but left the building out of the back door when it was my turn. It was for an "emergency."
  4. What I found out just yesterday is that the emergency was well planned for. Judge number 2 requested the president judge ask the pennsylvania supreme court head justice for a 1 day transfer of a senior judge in his stead for my case. The head judge of pennsylvania approved this.
  5. The senior judge, despite all of this work by the first judge, president judge of my county, and the head of the supreme court in pennsylvania, decided to recuse himself last minute.
  6. Judge number 2 has my hot potato case back in his hands.
  7. Judge number 2 recuses himself and the president judge releases the case to a new judge, judge number 4.
  8. Judge number 4 decided to start playing shiester games with me when I visited his office to see when my next summons would be. He's going to get a "love letter" from me soon and I'll rope in the other judges too.

From my experience... when you're wrong they steamroll you. I believe since I'm not being steamrolled, but instead these judges are tripping over themselves to get away from my parking ticket (and related criminal complaints I file against them in my love letters) that I may be on a fruitful track.

I should find out in the next few weeks.

I think for this next one I'm going to combine what I was doing with the criminal complaints with my experimentation with the mail. I figured out how to send certified mail and registered mail for either pennies or for free. So, I'm going to attempt that a few times now, and be ready to send back this stupid traffic ticket via the mail in a way I think may shock the judges more than they have been so far.

Should be fun. Will keep y'all up to date.


Teaming up with this guy could make great gains in the war to be free from coercive governance.
I don't know him, or I would introduce you, but the combination has potential to be epic, imo.

Stay tough.

Fuck the police. And the crooked system they work for.

That sounds fking insane for a two tickets! xD
The system is such a joke man :D


Holy smokes, you are still at it with those tickets. I can't believe how bad the system is over there.

All the strength to you, please make a great example for the good of the people!

I mean, I'm personally delaying all these things by not simply paying the $40. that's an option for people. I just would prefer to fight than to surrender.