did you know your signature can create money? the banks do and trick people with it everyday. they create money out of thin air when you get a mortgage with your signature, then they make you pay back 3 times the value. its the bigest confidence trick in the world.
Your birth certificate is your strawman. your legal fiction. required to act in commerce. it is not you it is your trading name. notice how every form you have to fill in requires capital letters and full name as on your birth certificate? it is so that you can be turned into a legal (not lawful) instrument.
Learn the difference between Legal and Lawful. how statutes are not lawful and are only given the power of law by the consent of the governed. this means YOU have to consent .
Learn how common Law is more powerful than statutes and that you have the power to take back control.
"Strawman - The Nature of the Cage is a cutting edge documentary like no other. It highlights the truth around debt, the Legal Fiction, Lawful and Legal, Debt Collectors, Bailiffs, and modern day Policing. The film gives a detailed overview as to how you can address these issues in your personal life, offering knowledge on how to Lawfully deal with any kind of authority, if you haven't broken any Laws."
"The film-makers are giving this film away for free and have spent thousands of hours and pounds to bring the film to reality, so please let it breath. We are not making the film for profit, just to help and educate.
Fair use / Fair dealing"
Anyone from any country can take back their power, under common law for free at http://www.commonlawcourt.com/