Teenage Girls Are Not Toddlers [Part 2]

in #law5 years ago (edited)

[Please Read Part 1 Of This Article Before Reading The Segment Below]

B.  Femi-Nazi Extremists Are Feeding The Public With Excessive Propaganda Regarding The Topic Of Adult/Adolescent Relationships

A couple of days ago, I was driving a family member of mine to the bank inasmuch as she needed a ride. As I was driving into a major parking lot where the bank was located, this one crude ogress in her truck was taking her sweet time to turn right and move out of my way. I politely tapped my horn to let her know that I was behind her. I wasn’t picking a fight with her or anything of that nature. However, she took exception to it; and as she was turning right, she looked up in her rearview mirror back at me and made an obscene gesture at me.

She obviously had that femi-Nazi mentality that she always had to be right about everything or she would throw tantrums and act hateful with anyone who disagreed with her about anything in any manner for any reason despite that she was clearly in the wrong. What identified her even more as a piece of human rubbish was that she subsequently parked her truck in a parking space that was specifically designated for pregnant women, because she was clearly not expecting a child. I felt tempted to blow the whistle on her so that I would have the satisfaction of her receiving a steep parking fine after the disgraceful way that she had acted toward me. If a police officer had to deal with her, I would not doubt that he or she would be constantly thinking about using his or her nightstick on her. She is undoubtedly one of those imbeciles that believe that they can never be wrong about anything no matter how many people they belittle or disrespect for calling them out on their behavior expose them for their stupidity. It is interesting how people like her who did what she did like to park their vehicles in illegal spots as though they are sending the world a message that they are above all decency and propriety.

Someone else had done the same thing to me five years earlier after I had honked at him for flying out in front of me in a lane that he had no right to be in inasmuch as he was supposed to have turned into the other lane next to the lane I was turning into, and he subsequently parked his vehicle in a no-parking zone. In both incidents, I had the opportunity to turn them into the police for parking violations, but I did not do so inasmuch as I was pressed for time on other matters.

Anyhow, the above-aforementioned woman reminds me of the many femi-Nazi hags I have encountered on the Internet who have a creatively vulgar vocabulary that they resort to any time anyone presents an argument to them that validly contradicts their position on any given controversial issue. You can give them all the evidence and factual data in the world to refute their assertions and contentions, and they will come back at you with profanity and hostility that only shows how desperate they are to be right about something that they have to know they are really wrong about. Then again, many of these femi-Nazi hags seem to believe in their own malarkey to such an extent that no amount of proof is going to make them realize that they are wrong.

In my last Hive-Blog article titled “Jury Nullification’s Effects On Statutory Rape Cases,” I made brief reference to the ravings of an anonymous author whose online article was titled “Think It’s Creepy When Men Pursue Underage Girls? You’ll Shudder When You Realize How Our Society Encourages It.” Although I can understand that most of us use a little profanity now and then, especially whenever we wish to add emphasis to a point, it still makes me cringe that this anonymous writer who is apparently a woman and a fake feminist goes full blast with vulgar language as she injects the “F” word in the first paragraph of her article. It only goes to show you how unprofessional she is as a journalist and how unqualified she is to be one. The title of the article itself is extremely misleading in that it doesn’t specify whether she is referring to teenage girls or prepubescent girls, and I would hardly say that our society encourages men to pursue relationships with anyone below the age of majority in view of all the pedophile-panic propaganda that is being thrown around throughout the press and the media here in our nation.

I mentioned in my last Hive-Blog article that I wasn’t going to waste too much time on this imbecile. However, some of the contents of her article made me so furious that I simply had to respond to her entire article herein. This imbecile calls herself a feminist, but I consider her to be a fake feminist in that she has some extremely Puritanical perspectives on how our society should conduct itself. She complains that our society sexualizes girls from a very young age. Okay. Such a gripe of hers is fair enough. However, her article begins to fall apart in the overall statement that it attempts to make after she begins equating a 16-year-old female actress from the United States of America to a prepubescent child from a much different culture than ours.

I agree with the anonymous author that it wasn’t wise for Thylane Blondeau’s parents to model Thylane Blondeau in Vogue magazine in the sensual way she was done so at the tender age of 10. However, I am also not mindless of the fact that Ms. Blondeau is French and that kids from the French culture and from most European cultures grow up in much less sheltered environments than American kids do. I remember how there was a to-do not too long ago about this one German woman who is now middle-aged and who posed naked at 10 years old on an album cover for the German rock-and-roll band called The Scorpions back in the 1970s. Americans were outraged over this incident in the German music entertainment industry. However, the model who was now an adult insisted to others that she had no problem with that nude photograph of her.

Liberals argued that the young girl’s private parts were distorted out of view on that same album cover, and, therefore, no harm was really done. As a general principle, I don’t think that any parents should ever allow their 10-year-old daughter to pose nude for the cover of a rock-and roll band’s album or CD for any reason. However, I am an American, and that is the world in which I grew up. I realize that there are going to be people from other nations who will sharply disagree with me on this issue.

Anyhow, Brooke Shields was in Calvin Klein jeans advertisements back when she was 15 and 16 years old in 1981. For this anonymous author to compare those same advertisements with a 10-year-old French girl posing in a sensually provocative photograph shoot in Vogue magazine in 2011 is really comparing oranges and apples. Despite that she was still legally too young to drink alcohol at the time, Brooke Shields was a tall, full-figured woman when she was in her Calvin Klein jeans advertisements; whereas Thylane Blondeau likely still had her baby teeth when she posed for Vogue magazine in 2011.

In her article, the anonymous author states:

In the meantime, attitudes towards men who pursue underage girls continue to be frustratingly lax on the whole.

I don’t think so, anonymous author, because everybody who proclaimed themselves to be a child advocate or had appointed themselves to be an expert on pedophilia appeared to make James Hooker a target for their hostilities and torment back in 2012. Doug Hutchison did the honorable thing and married Courtney Stodden when she was 16 years old, because he and Ms. Stodden wanted for their relationship to be clean and legal in the eyes of society; but both of them still suffered torment and verbal abuse at the hands of societal fundamentalists who had nothing better to do with their time than to nose into other people’s personal business simply because of their age difference at the time of their marriage. Therefore, I don’t know what alternative reality you are from, anonymous author.

The anonymous author makes a big fuss about James Franco flirting with a 17-year-old Scottish girl back when he was 36 years old. When Jerry Seinfeld was 39 years old, he was fairly chummy with a 17-year-old girl; and it didn’t appear to make him any less dignified of an individual in the eyes of the public at large. It would only make sense that James Franco and Jerry Seinfeld were ultimately “unscathed” with their careers intact. They didn’t do anything wrong, and 17 years old was the statutory age of consent where these occurrences took place. Therefore, any accusations of James Franco attempting to commit “statutory rape” are completely without basis of fact.

In her article, the anonymous author states:

When a guy can nonchalantly poke fun at himself for almost committing statutory rape of a girl half his age, that’s probably a sign that we, as a society, need to be more vigilant and protective of our young women . . . Because girls pick up on these social attitudes very early on.

Anonymous author? The only protection that these young girls need is from idiots like you. Are you too dumb to realize that “statutory rape” is nothing more than a legal construct? It is because of idiots like you and your make-believe world of age-appropriate perfection that adolescent girls are feeling anxiety and distress from having to keep their relationships with their older boyfriends a secret from the world. At the same time, whenever girls this age find themselves to be a victim of sexual abuse or rape at the hands of a boy the same age as them or close to them in age difference, femi-Nazi hags like you never seem to take their cries seriously. In fact, you even accuse them of lying.

Look at Ana Kasparian of The Young Turks on YouTube. After Bristol Palin tactfully reported to Robin Roberts in a television interview with her that Levi Johnston had stolen her virginity when she was still a teenage girl in high school and Robin Roberts told her that it sounded like rape, Ana Kasparian and her colleagues from The Young Turks had the audacity to insinuate that Bristol Palin was lying about being raped. The irony of it all was that Bristol Palin didn’t come out and specifically say that she was raped, but it was undoubtedly obvious that Levi Johnston had raped her inasmuch as he had engaged in sexual intercourse with her while she was drunk and unconscious.

I have not read The Lolita Effect by M. Gigi Durham. However, I can imagine that Ms. Durham uses her writing to promote a femi-Nazi agenda, because if everything that she stated therein about our American pop culture resembling a patriarchy were true, then there wouldn’t be so many incels and perma-virgins here in the land of milk and honey. She does have quite an impressive curriculum vitae, but it doesn’t necessarily make her a saint.

Anonymous author? I don’t disagree with you on your point about retailers wrongfully sexualizing little girls as young as six years old here in our nation. I don’t want for that trend to dominate our culture any more than you do. However, the fact that you cannot seem to differentiate between teenage girls and toddlers demonstrates how confused you are about what you are trying to sell to the public with your article.

Anonymous author? The Lolita Complex is a figment of your imagination and the imagination of other femi-Nazi extremists like you. The reason that more adult men over 21 years of age are gravitating toward adolescent girls younger than 18 years old is because there are more incels and adult perma-virgins nowadays than there used to be years ago. A male incel or perma-virgin who has never had a girlfriend in his life and goes on into his twenties, his thirties or even older is naturally going to feel incompatible with a woman his own age who has seen and done it all, whereas he will feel more at home with a teenage girl who has not experienced any more romance in her life than he has. It’s as plain and simple as that. Do not make it into something that it is not.

As I indicated in my previous Hive-Blog article, both of the Lolita movies were very different in content from the actual book itself. The anonymous author of the above article shows herself to be bothered by the fact that movie producers attempted to redevelop a story of what she perceived to be stepfather/stepdaughter incest into an exotic romance plot about an adolescent girl and a significantly older man who fall in love with each other and must deal with all the danger around them that goes along with the fact that they are a cross-generational couple, each on the opposite side of the legal age line.

Now, this would not be the first time that movie producers have done something of this nature with a book. It happens all the time. Take the example of the book titled Let The Right One In from Sweden. I have not read that book. However, from my conversations with people who have read it as well as other sources, I found out that the novel itself portrayed the vampire character in it as a young boy who dressed and looked like a girl and became close with the young male protagonist. In the movies that were based on that book, Let The Right One In from Sweden and Let Me In from the United States of America, the movie producers changed the vampire into a young girl so that they could develop a more sentimental first-time love experience between her and the young male protagonist.

Also, I have never read the book titled Lolita; but from what I know of it, its Russian author, Vladimir Nabokov, wrote it with the intention of getting even with the late Charlie Chaplin inasmuch as the late Mr. Chaplin had once married a girl almost as young as the female character described in the book titled Lolita after he was well into his thirties, and the author of this same book wanted to make the late Mr. Chaplin look as bad as he could. The book was released in 1955 at a time when parents laid down strict rules for their adolescent kids. Therefore, the book was intended to shock its readers. The anonymous author of the above-described article also made the mistake of stating that the late Sue Lyon was 16 years old when she played the role of Dolores Haze in the 1962 film Lolita. She was actually 14 years old, because the movie was filmed over the course of a year before its release when she was still that young.

Despite anything that the anonymous author has written in her article to mislead her readers, adult/adolescent relationships have existed since the beginning of time and have proven to be successful. Because of all the money that can be made in the child-abuse-prevention industry, it has only been in recent decades that American society has begun to demonize these relationships to the extent that it has. Meanwhile, our nation continues to suffer a serious epidemic of deadbeat teenage fathers forcing young girls into a life of poverty and marginalization along with their non-marital offspring. At the same time, more and more teenage boys who have not yet become old enough to vote in presidential elections are getting away all the time with some of the most violent and heinous sex crimes against young girls, because somehow the fact that these boys are minors makes them incapable of doing any wrong in the eyes of our society so long as sexual intercourse is involved in their transgressions somehow.

It surprises me that even femi-Nazi extremists like this same anonymous author have not yet questioned the fairness of the statutory-rape laws in our nation because of the growing number of underage adolescent boys who are raping adult women and screaming “statutory rape” afterwards to get out of being punished for their crimes. Then again, I guess these women find it easier to allow for themselves to have a blind faith in this make-believe world of age-appropriate perfection that they have created for themselves and which they are trying to shove down the throats of others.

In her article, the anonymous author states:

Having a Lolita Complex means that you have a penchant for finding young women or girls attractive. Even if you don’t seek out such relationships or pursue actual underage girls, you might still enjoy the fantasy of it.

Oh, anonymous author? You know so very little about how the male mind works. Did you write this article from the protection of your quiet, little Midwestern suburb? If a man fantasizes about a teenage girl, it may be because he has never had that first-love relationship that he felt every young boy should have the right to experience during his teenage years.

As I indicated in my last Hive-Blog article, I have never been a big fan of the Quora forum. However, whenever I find something interesting on it that is worth reading and commenting about, I will not hesitate to do so. One of the Quora forums that caught my eye was one that asked the question, “Why do I like teenage girls even though I am 31?” Instead of chastising the gentleman who asked this same question on the forum as I expected would happen, the people that responded to his question all seemed to hold the consensus that he suffered from a void in his life inasmuch as he did not get to experience teenage love back when he was a teenager himself. Some of the respondents on the forum even encouraged him to fill that void with a forbidden romance with a teenage girl.

Unfortunately, femi-Nazi extremists like the anonymous author of the above-aforementioned article are unable to understand such feelings that men encounter whenever life has dealt them an atrocious deck of cards that leave very little promise in their future in the event that they are unfortunate enough to live in societies where adult/adolescent relationships are frowned upon. Femi-Nazi extremists like the above-described anonymous author want their 14-year-old niece or their 15-year-old sister to avoid men who fit the description of the 31-year-old man in the above Quora forum. Instead, these femi-Nazi hags want their teenage female family members to hook up with the HIGH-SCHOOL HUNK!!!!! However, little do they realize that the HIGH-SCHOOL HUNK can later turn out to be another Josh Duggar or Toby Willis, which hardly make ideal husbands, to say the least. As I have stressed over and over again, these femi-Nazi extremists live in a make-believe world of age-appropriate perfection that has nothing to offer society except for unrealistic goals.

In her article, the anonymous author states:

Sometimes the age disparity can be a part of it, but the idea of the having authority over her can be erotic as well.

I have never known any teenage girl in my entire life who caters to any boy or man, young or old, telling her what to do, unless she is encountering peer pressure, which usually happens whenever she is in a same-age or similar-age relationship as in the case of Maddie Lambert with her baby daddy Isaac Frausto. Usually, whenever a teenage girl has a significantly older boyfriend here in the land of milk and honey, she has to contend with negative peer pressure. However, unlike a teenage boy, her significantly older boyfriend will treat her like a princess. Of course, I’m sure that our anonymous author friend here will misconstrue that behavior as “grooming” inasmuch as her kind always love to take writer’s license with the meaning of that term regardless of how inaccurate they are.

In her article, the anonymous author states:

The naughty schoolgirl also coincides perfectly with jailbait. A girl described as “jailbait” threatens to tempt you into having sex with her despite the fact that she’s underage, also implying that her sexiness is so overwhelming that you’re willing to knowingly risk going to jail for breaking the law.

Okay, anonymous author. I get it. You make it very clear here and in the next couple of paragraphs in your article that you don’t like the idiomatic expression “jailbait.” However, fact has it that most European nations have a statutory age of consent of 14 years old, whereas more Puritanical nations in the English-speaking world like the United States of America and Canada set their ages of consent between 16 and 18 years old. Very few youngsters are waiting until their twenty-first birthday to become sexually active. Therefore, how can we not expect for nations like the United States of America and Canada not to have the idiomatic expression “jailbait” in our English language? Nobody is using that idiomatic expression to offend you or any other woman or girl. It’s ingrained in our linguistic usage. Duhhhh!!!!!

I will give this anonymous author credit for distinguishing ephebophilia from pedophilia, because so very few of her kind do so. She appears to believe that adult men are being hypnotized and mesmerized into lusting after teenage girls. However, the problem that I am having with her school of thought is that she seems to believe that any non-Platonic or extra-Platonic feelings that an adult man may have for an adolescent girl are purely lust, and her assertion in that regard is not the gospel truth. Whenever a man has a void in his life from never having known what it was like to experience first love with an adolescent girl back when he was a teenager himself, it can have the effect of pulling him into the arms of a girl that age.

In her article, the anonymous author states:

Ultimately the rationale for carrying out a Lolita Complex in real life on real underage girls boils down to two aspects: entitlement (men thinking that they deserve a girl who is young and sexy) and authority (men enjoying having power and influence over the girl and deciding that her sexiness either transcends or belies her age).

Anonymous author? You are so wrong in so many ways! Men don’t necessarily have a sense of entitlement and think that they deserve a girl who is young and sexy. If a man is incompatible with a woman his own age inasmuch as he has never had a girlfriend before in his life and, therefore, cannot relate to a woman his own age, then it is only to be expected that he is going to find himself gravitating toward an adolescent girl now and then despite that he may go as far as attempting to avoid contact with girls that age because of social pressures and his fear of having a confrontation with the law. In my humble opinion, every state jurisdiction here in the Union needs either to keep underage adolescent marriage legal or make it legal again if it is not available anymore.

No! Men do not necessarily enjoy having power and influence over an adolescent girl and deciding that her sexiness either transcends or belies her age. Most of these men who enter into adult/adolescent relationships are going to feel vulnerable with these girls at first, because they don’t know if some teenage punk or ex-boyfriend from the girl’s school is going to come flying out of the woodwork and putting a wedge between him and that adolescent girlfriend of his. Also, whenever an adult man becomes the hero that saves a teenage girl from an abusive relationship with a boy the same age as her, the authority figures in that teenage girl’s life often treat him as the bad guy and the abusive teenage boyfriend as the one and only with whom this young girl should be. I came across a story on the Internet one time about a 30-year-old man who was trying to protect his 16-year-old girlfriend from an abusive 16-year-old ex-boyfriend, but the girl’s grandparents wanted to have the 30-year-old man arrested on suspicions of sexual relations that he wasn’t even having with this girl and they wanted her to get back with the abusive 16-year-old ex-boyfriend only so that she could suffer beatings again at the hands of this teenage punk; and it was only because this girl’s grandparents were indoctrinated to believe that the Puritanical Establishment was always right about everything.

I have read about the 27-year-old man in Sweden who was acquitted for “raping” a 13-year-old girl because she looked older than her age. Well, he didn’t actually rape her. I read a Swedish news website in English, and, according to it, the girl had sexual relations with him by her own volition. The anonymous author of the above-aforementioned article links her article to another one by Charlotte Lytton, and Ms. Lytton is found using the word “rape” left and right to describe situations in which there was no use of force or coercion. She is one of those femi-Nazi extremists who remind me of this one woman I saw in a British film who wore a shirt that read “All Men Are Rapists.” After she showed it to this one man in the movie, he shoved her out of his vehicle and left her stranded in the middle of nowhere; and I couldn’t rightfully blame him for doing so.

It gets me so angry whenever these femi-Nazi extremists go using the word “rape” indiscriminately and without regards to the actual facts, because these same women also refuse to acknowledge that prison rape is really rape. In fact, many of them believe that men who get brutally raped behind bars always deserve it, and that is the kind of thinking on their part that alienates men from women in this nation.

Anonymous author? I get it that you don’t believe in the ignorance-of-age defense in statutory-rape cases. However, chew on this! Back in 2008, a 13-year-old girl named Alisha Dean misrepresented herself on her MySpace page to be a 19-year-old divorcee so that she could lure adult men over 21 years of age into her bed. Now, you can feel sorry for this girl all you want, but there is no getting around the fact that she was carrying on this deception as a form of sadistic self-entertainment. You can also read another similar story in Part G of my Hive-Blog article titled “The Great American Controversy Over Underage Marriage.” Luckily, in that particular event, shortly after the 14-year-old girl fooled the 19-year-old man into believing that she was 17 years old to lure him into having sexual intercourse with her and he was subsequently indicted for his involvement in the liaison, she decided to own up to her deceptive behavior and clarify to the judge in that matter that she was not a victim of any sex crime. Her mother even backed her up in her statement to the judge.

Anonymous author? Your argument that girls hit puberty as young as 8 years old is very weak, because the fact that 8-year-old girls still have their baby teeth and watch Saturday morning cartoons despite that they may be entering into puberty demonstrates how different they are from adolescent girls in the middle-school and high-school age range in terms of their innocence and gullibility. Remember that dentists are always being used to determine the actual age of a youngster in forensic investigations. I’ve heard your argument many times before, and it doesn’t wash with me.

I read up on the case in London in which a 16-year-old girl was accused of grooming her 44-year-old teacher after he “raped” her. Once again it was not a situation in which this man forced or coerced this girl into having sexual intercourse with him but rather it was a mutual act. Therefore, he did not really rape her per se, even though Charlotte Lytton said that he did in her article.

Now, in this particular situation, I will give a little more leeway for journalists to treat this as a crime, because, after all, the girl was a virgin and there was evidence that the schoolteacher did pull rank in getting this girl to reciprocate his sexual advances. However, I will not go as far as calling his tryst with her rape, and I do not believe that the criminal justice system should treat him the same way as someone who commits a forcible or coercive rape. I will not argue against the fact that the judge in his matter was somewhat lenient with him, which is something that rarely happens in cases like those, especially in England. Then again, self-proclaimed child advocates and self-appointed pedo-experts are compulsively taking writer’s license with the definitions of the terms “groom” and “grooming,” and the United Kingdom is no exception to the rule in this regard. Therefore, they opened the door for a British judge to do the same in a way that backfired on their special interests.

Now, when I was 16 years old, I knew a girl named Cindy who was also 16 years old; and she shot herself in the belly with her father’s gun after she had found out that she was pregnant with an older man’s baby. The unborn baby did not survive the incident. So many years later, information came out that this man may have been middle-aged when she had become pregnant with his baby. It was rumored that after she turned eighteen, she ran off with him despite that he was the father of one of her school friends and that he was a married man. The situation was obviously a major mess for everyone involved. Anyhow, I am not mindless that there are situations in which the criminal justice system does need to run interference.

Nevertheless, anonymous author, I think that you need to be aware that there is a major problem in our nation that is growing every day in which young boys who are even barely in their teens are violently raping adult women and screaming “statutory rape” to avoid being prosecuted for their crimes, and the parents of these young boys are usually backing up their lies to keep their sons from being sent to lockup. These women who fall victims to these atrocities have to relive their rapes again and again in the form of being branded as sexual predators because of a sex crime that was committed against them. I don’t know how you could be oblivious to these tragedies. I agree with you that many strange occurrences do take place in courtrooms. However, you need to get your head out of the clouds and stop believing that there is no difference between teenagers and toddlers. There is a very major difference between both age groups in so many ways that are both negative and positive.

In her article, the anonymous author states:

Adults don’t get to decide whether a child is psychologically mature enough for sex just because she makes them horny and happens physically fit the bill.

Okay, anonymous author, your definition of a child may differ from another person’s definition of a child. Everyone grows up in a different culture with a different set of standards. Also, sometimes a culture (e.g. the United States of America and Canada) allows for itself to become too poisoned with narrow-minded thinking, and, therefore, that culture becomes long overdue for change.

Anonymous author? Your sermon about letting girls be girls sounds like a campaign to keep girls in diapers long after they have left their childhood, and that is simply not logical and it can be more damaging than good to a society in the long run. In your article, you state:

Sexual curiosity and exploration is perfectly healthy for children. The key is that they should be free to explore this part of themselves with other children and people who are age appropriate for them.

In other words, anonymous author, you are one of those femi-Nazi extremists who have the delusion that the American culture should mirror your make-believe world of age-appropriate perfection.

Bristol Palin followed your flawed school of thought, anonymous author, and all it got her in the long run was a deadbeat baby daddy named Levi Johnston whose current wife (Sunny Oglesby) is just as much of a swine as he is. Among other things, that is. This same flawed school of thought did not get Maddie Lambert anything more than an unwanted pregnancy at the age of thirteen and a baby daddy who believes that he now gets to walk all over her whenever he pleases. On the other hand, I can name a whole myriad of women and young girls whose relationships started out as adult/adolescent ones and ended up much better off than Bristol Palin and Maddie Lambert did.

Anonymous author? I do not understand how you can remain oblivious to the epidemic of deadbeat teenage fathers that is plaguing the United States of America like a deadly cancer. Also, boys as young as 13 years old have progressively been getting involved in more heinous and violent sex crimes than in previous years. I emphasize this fact throughout my writings here on Hive Blog, and I will continue to emphasize it as many times as I have to do so. If you actually believe that every adolescent girl, 12 to 17 years old, is going to find herself entering into some kind of Harlequin-romance-novel-type of relationship if she exclusively hooks up with a same-age or similar-age boyfriend, then you are undoubtedly living in a fool’s paradise. Such a teenage boyfriend could be the next Philip Chism or the next Nathan Walker, Avion Lawson or Jakaris Taylor.

Anonymous author? You obviously believe that every adult man over 21 years old who has ever developed extra-Platonic or non-Platonic feelings for an adolescent girl (12 to 17 years old) has only lust on his mind, and you call it the Lolita Complex. You preach that men who fit the “Lolita Complex” should back away from “children” and try dating women their own age. However, the reason that these men may gravitate toward adolescent girls is because, as I mentioned before herein, they didn’t get to experience teenage romance when they were teenage boys themselves, and this same void in their life has resulted in a domino effect that has caused love and romance to become a rare commodity to them. No adult woman who has been through four or five different marriages and has a household full of small kids is going to be able to give a man that kind of back pay in life if he has become absorbed into that same undesirable vortex of inceldom or perma-virginity. Furthermore, none of us men are under any obligation to fit the kind of “Tony Danza” mold that you so glorify as a universal standard of true masculinity.

Anonymous author? You have such a blind faith in the statutory-rape laws here in our nation that I take no shame in offering information to my readers on how to challenge those same laws in terms of their unfairness and hidden agenda. Perhaps the law may say that a 17-year-old girl cannot consent to sexual relations with an adult in a state jurisdiction, but the law isn’t always right about everything; and when such a law is in dire need of change and there are special-interest groups putting up roadblocks to that much needed change, citizens have the right to stand up to that law and resist it by means of jury nullification and even civil disobedience if the situation so necessitates. And, no. It doesn’t mean that I ever encourage anyone to break the law. However, if the law is treating someone unfairly and I have to serve on a jury, you better believe that I am going to vote that defendant as being NOT GUILTY.

Anonymous author? You write about adult/adolescent relationships leaving lasting psychological scars on adolescent girls if they become sexual. However, your concern for these girls is not genuine in that you appear to believe that lowlifes like Levi Johnston and Isaac Frausto only engaged in normal adolescent behavior when they misused Bristol Palin and Maddie Lambert as sex objects respectively and practically ruined those girls’ lives. Of course, what do you care? In your eyes, they’re just boys being boys, because same-age and similar-age relationships among adolescents are infallible as far as you’re concerned; and no loving, nurturing and rewarding adult/adolescent relationship has ever existed since the beginning of time as far as you can see in your one-sided reality.

I read the article titled “He Made Me His Nymphet” by Sage Lee to which the anonymous author links her article, and I was not all impressed with it. It implies that every older man who has ever fallen in love with an adolescent girl has only one thing on his mind, which cannot be any further from the truth. Bristol Palin could write a similar article about Levi Johnston, and Maddie Lambert could write a similar article about Isaac Frausto. However, the major difference is that these two young ladies would have more to write about regarding the abuse they have suffered at the hands of their same-age baby daddies during their teenage years, and their claims would be truthful. The major injustice about it is that neither of these girls would be taken seriously, because femi-Nazi extremists like the anonymous author of “Think It’s Creepy When Men Pursue Underage Girls? You’ll Shudder When You Realize How Our Society Encourages It” go above and beyond to brainwash our society into believing that all same-age and similar-age relationships among adolescents are infallible and beautifully perfect. GIVE ME A BREAK!

Anonymous author? You claim in your article that:

Young girls have a slew of challenges to face without adults complicating things by using them for their own self-gain . . . A girl is wonderfully complex with her own perspective. She’s still trying to sort herself out and figure out what she wants and who she wants to be. She at least deserves to be free to complete that process on her own time and on her own terms . . . She is no one’s fantasy. She is no one’s Lolita. She’s her own person.

Anonymous author? For your information, older men are not the cause of all teenage girls’ problems in contrary to what you seem to believe. There are more teenage boys in middle school and high school who wreak havoc in these girls’ lives than adult men, because these young boys have the most access to these girls and the most opportunity to harm them. They brag about the kind of harm they do to these young girls every day in boys’ locker rooms in middle schools and high schools across our nation. If you really want to get these girls out of harm’s way, perhaps you need to start a campaign to end coeducation and separate girls’ schools from boys’ schools throughout our nation.

Anonymous author? You may think that you are a child advocate; but if you really cared about children, you would be taking action to seek to reform the severely defective inheritance laws throughout our nation so that no child who has suffered physical, emotional and/or sexual abuse at the hands of their parents will ever become homeless and destitute after they have become adults. However, you are too busy masquerading your efforts to restrict the romance marketplace for men to hags like you as a mission to defend every young girl’s honor and innocence, when, in reality, you probably hate every young woman who has a better chance of landing a relationship with a man than you do despite that she may not yet be old enough to vote in even a local election here in the land of milk and honey.

Anonymous author? Attractive women over 30 years old are seldom ever seen in these kinds of movements that you appear to be involved in, because these women do not lack the confidence in themselves that women like you do. They realize that no 17-, 16- or 15-year-old girl is likely going to come between them and their men, because they have the self-confidence and the pride in their appearance to outdo these young girls in the romance marketplace. The women over 30 years old who seem to do the most pervert-shaming against men who gravitate toward adolescent girls are ones who look like biker chicks and have tattoos all over their bodies or they look like a sack of dried-up potatoes, because they don’t want any man to be happy if they can’t be happy. Don’t accuse me of being shallow for saying so, because facts are facts.

It is incredible how many of these women like the anonymous author of the above-described article think that their own teenage son can do no wrong after he has gotten at least two or three underage girls pregnant during his juvenile years, and these women will even chalk it all off as normal adolescent behavior. However, they will never accept the reality that there are adult/adolescent relationships that are successful and do have happy endings so long as the authorities do not run unnecessary interference upon them. Nevertheless, if we were to assume just for the sake of argument that everything that this same anonymous author wrote about adult/adolescent relationships being exploitative was correct, then these women would still have no right to complain inasmuch as the deadbeat teenage dads who are their sons are the ones who are sending these young girls flying into the arms of older men.

Heather Corinna would have a fun time tearing this anonymous author apart with respect to the contents of her article, if both women were ever to come face to face. Heather Corinna is a true feminist who has identified the unreasonableness and futility of our nation’s statutory-rape laws in their current form.

C.  My Conclusion To This Topic

Teenage girls are not toddlers, and we, as Americans, need to stop taking these femi-Nazi extremists’ efforts to redefine teenage girls as toddlers seriously. The statutory-rape laws are severely broken and defective in our nation, because they send too many of the wrong people to jail and prison and they inundate our sex-offender registries with the personal information of individuals who do not belong on them. Therefore, we all need to fight back against these femi-Nazi extremists and societal fundamentalists who are attempting to brainwash our society into believing all of the rhetoric that they spew to the world. We need to apply the doctrine of jury nullification to verdicts in statutory-rape cases whenever we serve on a jury in these kinds of cases and find that a defendant is not getting a fair trial. We also need to vote legislators out of office who are passing legislation that further these femi-Nazi extremists’ agendas in the manner I described herein, and we need to take full advantage of the popular-referendum option where it is available to get rid of new laws that fit this same description.

This Article Is Copyright-Protected.


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