Scam Alert: Blockchain Labs Asia & Eli Weir - Not Honoring High Court Judgements

in #lawyesterday (edited)

This post states facts about Blockchain Labs Asia and Eli Weir breaking contracts and not honoring judgments by the Sessions Courts and the High Courts of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Because Blockchain Labs issues security tokens, this discussion is particularly important for an industry predicated upon securities laws, transparency and accountability.

Due to the dishonorable actions of Blockchain Labs Asia, I felt it was necessary to timestamp an overview of the situation.

I wouldn't be surprised if they try to disappear without honoring the Court’s judgements.

There is another ongoing situation with this group that is potentially an attempt at scamming using security tokens. I will write further on this topic and try to do some deep dives.

My apologies to the Hive platform for not writing an introduction post. I felt it was important for me to post these facts first. 😊

I hope this story may be of interest and value to others.

A Brief History

I signed a contract with Blockchain Labs Asia on the 1st of July 2019.

They never honored their contract.

When I requested that they honor the contract, Eli Weir, the CEO of Blockchain Labs Asia and current COO of the Enegra Group, insisted on partially paying me with worthless Metalstream tokens.

Those tokens had a value of $0.00 at the time of his offer and Eli Weir knew this. These Metalstream tokens are still worth zero five years later, at the time of publishing this post.

I have Eli Weir’s scam offer in writing.

I never agreed to receive payment in Metalstream tokens. In retrospect, I can see this was a premeditated attempt by Eli Weir to avoid honoring his own contract.

From my perspective this was an attempt at a scam by Blockchain Labs Asia. They knew these tokens were worthless. My perspective is easily proven with Eli Weir's own documents and a blockchain explorer.


Blockchain Labs Asia refused to honor their contract, so I was forced to issue a writ and take them to the Sessions Courts of Kuala Lumpur.

Testifying on behalf of Blockchain Labs Asia at the trial were Eli Weir, Rohan Cavaliero (99 East and Metalstream Chairman) and Matthew Averay (Managing Director & CEO of the Enegra Group).

I will dissect their testimonies in a future post.

The judge didn’t believe their testimony.

I won the case in mid 2024.

Outside the court Eli Weir could not meet my eyes and scurried away into the courtroom the moment he saw me approaching.

Blockchain Labs Asia subsequently appealed and the original ruling was upheld in the High Courts of Kuala Lumpur in November, 2024.

Both cases and judgements are in the public domain.

The Malaysian Civil Case Numbers are:

  1. Kuala Lumpur Sessions Courts - WA-B52NCvC-231-06/2022
  2. Kuala Lumpur High Courts - WA-12BNCVC-114-09/2024

The Current Status

So far, Blockchain Labs Asia have not honored the High Court's judgements or responded to repeated letters from my lawyer to their lawyers Messrs James Monteiro.

We are now almost in the 5th month since the trial and we are still waiting for Blockchain Labs Asia to honor their debts.

However, Rohan Cavaliero has been weaving a story for me over the past 4 months.

Rohan Cavaliero is telling me that he is not lying and asking me to trust his “word” - but he won't respond to my legal letters.

He is telling me that they will finally behave honorably.

He has informed me that they are working on some kind of "deal" to pay their debts.

According to Rohan Cavaliero, Eli Weir won’t deal with me directly. Neither of them is confident enough to have a call with me.

I have downloaded and archived all my WhatsApp conversations with Rohan Cavaliero.

Nothing has transpired - except more broken promises.

I have informed Rohan Cavaliero that if he can’t honor his contracts or the High Court’s judgement - then his word doesn’t mean anything to me.

For reference, this is Rohan Cavaliero:

Eli Weir

For reference, this is Eli Weir:

Interestingly, at the same time he was losing his appeal in the Malaysian High Court, Eli Weir was purchasing himself an expensive new imported car.

Here is Eli Weir posing with his new car, while he refuses to pay his debts:

He is now trying to sell this car after only a few months!

Hopefully, Eli Weir will use the sale money to pay what he owes and honor the Malaysian High Court's judgement. 😅

Over the years, I have heard some astonishingly worrying things about Eli Weir.

There is one particularly shocking story I need to seek clarification on from the New Zealand and Thai Governments.

This is how Eli Weir described himself while attempting to join the Internet political party in New Zealand:

“I live for positive change, with a focus on changing how people work and live, by challenging the status quo, shifting paradigms, and leveraging technology to get things done — faster, cheaper, easier, and in a more people-oriented way.”

This description is vastly different from my personal experience working with Eli Weir.

From my experience he is incompetent at honoring contracts, dishonorable, willing to scam and willing to mistreat his employees.

It is obviously wise to write to the Internet Party and the New Zealand embassy in Malaysia to inform them about Eli Weir’s failure to honor his contracts and the Malaysian High Court's decisions.

The (Eli Weir) Group

If you look up Eli Weir, Rohan Cavaliero, Matthew Averay, Metalstream, the Enegra Group and other associated businesses online, you will see there are other people with serious issues with this group, along with other international Court cases.

There are a number of companies associated with this group:

I believe most of these companies are defunct or failed.

Do you recognize any of these companies or know of others associated with the group?

Over the last 7 years, this group with Eli Weir at its center, has issued many tokens. I am a holder of Enegra and two Metalstream tokens. Yet I am unaware of a single token that has ever freely traded on any public third party exchange.

Security tokens are supposed to digitally represent securities. If they meet this criteria, they should be freely tradable to qualified investors. Not inactive without the ability to liquidate for many years.

I wonder if there are any other security tokens that have never traded for this many years?

I have never seen such an incompetent track record within the security token industry.

The story behind these tokens and who is involved is very interesting and deserves to be told.

Here is a photo of the group’s old office in Kuala Lumpur:

There were other associated companies as part of their group that I did not engage with.

Further Concerning Issues

I am certainly not the only person who suffered at the hands of these people.

I began working in good faith directly with Eli Weir and his groups. What I witnessed was broken contracts, technical ineptitude, lost funds, furious clients demanding their money back, court cases and mistreated employees.

I fought for years in the courts to seek an honorable redress from Eli Weir and his cohorts.

I wouldn't be surprised if there is still ongoing dishonorable behavior from this group and I am genuinely sorry for anyone else suffering because of them.

I will be writing a full and detailed account of my experiences with Blockchain Labs Asia, the Enegra Group, Metalstream, Eli Weir, Rohan Cavaliero and Matthew Averay.

It is worth delving into the blockchain development activities of Blockchain Labs Asia, their tokens and transactions.

There is a lot to cover.

One X account that is actively following these people and their dishonorable behavior is: @RasooliSheida

Taking Action

Due to the lack of response to my lawyer’s repeated requests for written clarification, I am now taking action and going public.

I will write further posts, share documents, work with interested parties and politely spread this public domain information far and wide - to Government and banking agencies, every supplier, every exchange, every partner and third party connected with Eli Weir and his group.

This is being undertaken in the public's interest and in an attempt to get Blockchain Labs Asia to honor the judgments of two Malaysian Courts.

Should anyone associated with Blockchain Labs Asia ever state that this case was settled and they honored the Court's judgments, ask them to produce a letter of settlement from my lawyers YF Chan & Partners.

Due to their history of dishonorable behavior, I would advise any third parties to cross reference any documents directly with my lawyers for authenticity.

I will update my online statements once Blockchain Labs Asia, Eli Weir and Rohan Cavaliero decide to honor the Malaysian High Court judgements.

Unfortunately, this kind of dishonorable behavior degrades the public’s perception of security tokens and blockchain, technologies that have the opportunity to improve transaction accountability and transparency for everyone. 🙁

I suppose I can look forward to ad hominem attacks from this group but I am not concerned. 🤣

Any thoughts on this situation from the community will be welcome.

Please feel free to share this post.

Thank you. 😊

Interested parties are welcome to contact me on: [email protected]

*All links have been archived.