Welcome to the tyranny that is modern Australia - Kaos1973

in #law7 years ago

It was sold to us as security 'for our own good'. The law is a weird inverse net that catches the little fish but allows the big fish to swim right through. This is because of all the 'equity' practices in place and due to the key commissioned police being political appointments and therefore controllable by their political masters.

There is no separation of powers and there is no equality before the law.

The constitution and common law have been wallpapered over by unconstitutional bills passed as acts but not enacted by the Governor to become law. They can't become laws legally because they contradict the constitution and or common law.


"109 Inconsistency of laws
When a law of a State is inconsistent with a law of the Commonwealth, the latter shall prevail, and the former shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be invalid." ~ The Constitution of The Commonwealth of Australia

"Yet go to court over say a speeding fine, to find the devise that is telling the court you were committing an offence, does not comply with commonwealth legislation, but it does comply with state legislation, and the later is upheld, we indeed have issues." ~ Mark Aldridge Independent Candidate

The law as we know it is more corporate law. And corporate law is drafted by corporations who bribe politicians to punish their enemies and give themselves a loop hole. Is it any wonder the system is the way it is and police find themselves being ridiculed by an ever increasingly despondent and frustrated citizenry?

Consider this: If under common law all citizens have the right to 'unimpeded travel on the king's highway', a presumption of innocence, and the right to a trial in which they CAN NOT be fined or imprisoned unless by a jury. How are Random Breath Tests justified? What about family courts? It goes on and on and on.

Something is very rotten at the core of this country and police will find themselves increasingly torn between the good of the community and the dubious political leadership. As the wedges of division are hammered into society people will fracture and fight back. tyranny-is-defined-thomas-jefferson.jpg


excellent. thank you