If Everything were ILLEGAL?

in #law8 years ago (edited)


What would it look like if everything were illegal? Let's imagine a society where everything is illegal, and where anyone, anywhere could get punished, by any degree, for anything, that their masters choose to impose on them. What would this society look like?


Yes, it would look exactly like today's society, since everything is already illegal. I am not exagerating here, I am literally saying this to be the case. And it's really just a question of interpretation and enforcement, that will define whether somebody will end up prosecuted or not.

For instance, imagine the average day of an average citizen in an average western country. Doesn't have to be US, just pick any country, since your average laws are pretty similar. So what does an average person do in his average day:

  • Wake up, go to bathroom, clean himself, take a shower, eat breakfast, and goes to work
  • Drives to work, or takes the bus or a taxi
  • Works 8-10 hours
  • Comes home with some transportation vehicle
  • Takes a shower, eats food
  • Goes shopping, goes to the bank takes out or deposits money
  • Go online and upload or post something to Facebook
  • Meets with some friends at night and go out either to a party or just a local bar to have a beer and talk with friends
  • Goes to sleep

Ok so this is the average routine of your average person. Well, there was a law study demonstrating that an average person commits about 3-4 felonies a day, on average. Just by doing this routine.

So what can possibly be an illegal activity in this basic daily routine? Well let's take a look:

So yes, even your basic average day, is full of illegal activities. I am not a lawyer, but ask any lawyer and they will confirm this.

So this is what I was emphasizing in my last post, saying that everything is already illegal.

You have about 1,000,000 laws on the books, and all laws are very broadly defined so it's really up to the mood of the cop, the prosecutor and the judge if they will sentence you or not.

Your only luck is for not being prosecuted on these if you behave nicely like a good slave. And hope that they won't start enforcing them seriously.

But with all this surveillance technology, it is very easy to identify all perpetrators, and 60-70% of the population can easily get a life sentence if you add up all their crimes. But since it's logistically impossible to prosecute 70% of the population, and there is no room for them in prison.

Therefore we will all end up in NAZI CONCENTRATION CAMPS!

I have warned people already, this is the endgame of government tyranny. Everything is illegal, laws are enforced arbitrarily, and when they do start enforcing them en masse, we will all end up in Nazi gas chambers, if we don't stop this.

This is the ultimate endgame of this fascistic tyranny machine. This is what Hitler did, this is what Stalin did, and all other tyrants throughout history. They didn't make up new laws, they just started enforcing existing laws.

The Nuremberg Laws were basically just a reinterpretation of old Prussian martial law (since Hitler declared martial law before issuing them).

This is how the government works. And this is how easily tyranny can happen. Tyranny itself is always legal from their point of view.


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To make concentration camps legal, send all the kids to schools first as the critical step!

Exactly. The government education system literaly came out of Prussia, the militaristic german state. And it had only 1 goal, to indoctrinate the next generation into becoming factory workers and soldiers.

This is not even a conspiracy theory, they openly admitted this. This was the era of nationalism, so having factory workers and soldiers was critical in this period for the Franco-Prussian wars, and later the German Empire.

This lead to World War 1. And of course Hitler. Hitler could have never indoctrinated people into his racial hygene bullshit propaganda if not for government schools.

And it all goes back to Prussian Nationalism:

State-oriented mass educational systems, which were instituted not only in Prussia, but over the course of the 19th century throughout Europe, have become an indispensable component of modern nation-states. - Wikipedia

Really feel extremely sad about the education situation!

"Early 19th-century American educators were also fascinated by German educational trends" - Wikipedia

Indeed. And every single government adopted it. They have all realized that what better way there is to control the masses, than to indoctrinate them while they are young and malleable.

When is your next piece on becoming rich going to be out?

I haven't really changed anything in my investments since. But you are right I should probably do an update today or tomorrow, to break down recent market events.

sounds like maximum safety lol

Sounds to me more like a Nazi Concentration Camp.

I mean literally, if you watch the original Nazi propaganda movies, made by Joseph Goebbels himself, he literally promoted the concentration camps as keeping "people safe" or "keeping minorities emancipated".

He literally made propaganda movies in the 1920 and 1930 about how "lesser ethnicities" can only exist in "controlled envrironments" protected by Germans.

Of course this literally translates to piles of bodies, burning children alive at Auschwitz, and hunting escaping people down with rabid dogs in forests which literally happened to my Jewish aunt and his family.

So this is the level of propaganda that we are facing, and current governments are not that far off from the Nazis. They just didn't started enforcing the laws seriously. But if you look at the militarization of the police, it is frightening what is to come...

i was joking :) lol making everything illegal would be complete tyranny

You don't get it. It is already illegal, it's just not enforced yet.

You basically have 1,000,000 laws on average, most of them not even known. And every single law is broadly defined, so it can basically include anything.

So for example "hate speech" laws can literally include every single word you say out of your mouth. So that's one way to silence people.

Then you have anti-assault laws, which can literally mean just touching somebody, and so on.

So every law can be as broadly interpreted as you want, and there are 1,000,000 laws in general. It is already tyranny.

oh i'm well aware of that, the average person commits 3 felonies at least every single day that they aren't aware of. John Stossel did a great segment "illegal everything" about this subject it was really informative. As for right now though, wearing a cotton tshirt or waving to someone etc isn't illegal so no not every item or action is prohibited at this time. The cage still needs to be perfected lol

Don't be so sure, I am sure they can find some old regulation or environmental law that can be extended to that.

It's just a question of interpretation. Even if you have the principle of proportionality in the EU, it's still bullshit because it's subjective.

What does proportionality mean? Well it's up to the judge to decide. So that is literally tyranny. They can spin and twist every single law against you, and you can't do a thing.

I studied law briefly for 1 semester in university, and when I learned about hate speech laws, I knew instantly that this can be horribly abused and extended to basically anything that the TPTB don't like.

Just claim that you are a religious minority, and then nobody can criticize you. And what is religion? Well it's just basically a subjective personal set of beliefs.

So I claim that I believe in unicorns spiritually, and somebody says that I'm an idiot for believing in unicorns. That is hate speech.

Yeah, you mean this video:

It's really ridiculous. Same here in the EU, those bureaucrats also keep pumping out more regulations and laws every single year.

Estimates show about 10,000 new laws or modification / year/ country. So tyranny is rising.

i agree it is already tyranny, a quite obvious abuse of power at many levels for quite some time

Not that obvious for most people, since they just divide & conquer the population, and they will say that it's the other group that is oppressing you, while they oppress both of them.

This is really interesting to me. My ex girlfriends family were cops and i swear to god they were mind controlled sheep. Every thought they had related to a law like it was how they made decisions in everyday life. It started to rub off on me and years later I am still trying to get over it. Following the rules to the point where someone is watching on you to make a mistake is not normal and is actually a threat to ones survival and psyche.

I know, I pointed out in my last article (and several psychologists and sociologists agree) that every criminal behavior (and I would extend tyrannical behavior as well) comes from child abuse.

Probably all cops were abused as kids, that is why they became cops, to take their revenge. But instead of taking their revenge on the perpetrator, they punish the entire society for it.

So when you have a bad mood cop that pulls you over and is very short tempered, ready to hurt you. He was probably beaten severely as a kid by his father.

The Nazis were the same. Hitler was basically a cocrophile and pedophile. And SS officers regularly molested Hitler Youth kids, to make them more devout to Nazism.

It is really despicable how humans treat children in todays society. This is where all problems come from, horrible parenting.

Children are literally held hostages in schools, are probably beated by their parents, and abused in many other ways by society.

If we really want to have a decent society, we really need to teach parents to do a better job.

I agree we need to.make this "place" a kid friendly environment.

Another good post profitgenerator and definitely a lot of truth in there whether people are willing to admit it to themselves or not. Although it seems like an ever encroaching police state we must remember that it is the people who have all the power should we choose to use it and the powers that think they be also know this so whilst they continue to play their game of slowly attempting to remove all of our freedoms, they also realise that at any moment they may wake a sleeping tiger. There is in reality only so far they can push us before the masses take notice of what has been happening. This is, atleast, what I would like to believe . I still have faith that soon others will see what we can see and things will start changing around here. I really hope so.

thanks again for the post!

The sad truth is that it has always been like this, throughout human history. It's just that now we can see and study this and talk about this, on the internet.

The government was always evil, Hitler wasn't the first genocider. You had basically Julius Caesar who literally massacred down at least 1,000,000 people in total, including elderly, children and sick people who were crossing over his territory while being governor.

And somehow Caesar is revered as a hero of western culture. I really wonder how will Hitler be portrayed 1000 years from now.

I find it hard nowadays to believe anything from the mainstream history books I'm afraid especially when it has a psychological impact on our modern daily lives. I am familiar with the saying that those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it and certainly this is something to be aware of but we are also always being reminded that we shouldn't live in the past, we should live in the present. I don't dispute that everything you say may be correct and historically factual but when you have historical figures such as Winston Churchill saying that history will be kind to him for he intends to write it, you begin to see that the historical record may not always be as accurate as we are led to believe and can be bent and misrepresented in order to manipulate the masses into a particular world view. The power of propaganda must not be underestimated in our modern society. It is not just something used in times of war but one of the most powerful tools at the disposal of those who claim authority over us. The film The Usual Suspects included the line 'the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!'. I propose that the greatest trick these devils ever pulled was convincing the world they were more powerful than they actually are. It's a very good trick!


I propose that the greatest trick these devils ever pulled was convincing the world they were more powerful than they actually are. It's a very good trick!

I am not so sure about that line of thinking. It is literally the worst thing you can do is to underestimate your enemy.

But then again, yes, people do have more power than they realize, so one of the goals of the propaganda machine is to make people feel powerless.

But this doesn't mean that they can just underestimate the will and the power of the tyrants either.

The amount needs to be 10000 to be structuring. To get into trouble interfering with interstate trade the amount doesnt have to be 10000 all at once either. It is only a crme if law enforcement doesnt make a deal with a hate group who claims it has a god weapon though.

I believe in the US it was already reduced to 2500$ , I think the wiki page is not yet updated.

But I believe it can also be interpreted as that if the money comes from unknown source, unjustifiable, and cash deposit. The bank can easily file a SAR report, and then the client is in big trouble.

Take the example written above, an employer pays 100$ bonus "dark money" to his employee, just off the table, where he doesn't pay taxes on that. The employee just deposits that in a bank.

So the bank sees 100$ weekly being deposited from an unknown source, so they report that to the financial crimes units.

Now the guy can't declare that income on his tax declaration since he doesn't get a receipt to justify the source. And the employer by default will not pay taxes on this on behalf of the employee.

So the employee either accepts the money or declines it. But how can the employee know if the employer pays taxes on that or not? The employer himself can do this scheme, and the employee will never know about this.

So when the cops investigate the matter, one one hand you have tax evasion, and on other hand you have money laundering and structuring.

Again I'm no lawyer, but I think this is how it's done. And I have seen many examples of this with illegal immigrants getting paid "dark money", and then being caught by the bank.

And both the workers as the employer went to jail.