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RE: Is Common Sense Dead? - 5 Year Old Girl Fined £150 for Lemonade Stand

in #law8 years ago

As usual the state has come in to crush the possibility of an entrepreneurial spirit shining life into the forever shrinking free market. This little girl was setting the foundation of a lucrative hydration station where, once established she could employ some of her little friends and franchise out, maybe even freezing some lemonade to fill the supply gap in the lemon popsicle market. From there she would rent some local retail space and hire more friends injecting much needed economic growth into her local economy and build an even bigger tax base for the local council. But once again instead of growing a free market based on value added growth and nursing the entrepreneurial spirit of the future, the government decides to borrow and spend her future into state debt slavery. She'd be in prison if she was selling her lemonade for bitcoin lol. Steem on friends


Yes who knows what crushing these little dreams can prevent.