You are lazy, get the h*ll UP!

in #lazy7 years ago

Lazy, a very interesting topic indeed.
Defined by the merrier Webster dictionary as;

disinclined to activity or exertion :not energetic or vigorous The lazy child tried to avoid household chores.

Sure, while a lotof individuals may claim that they are active, a closer look at the way people spend their time reveals that majority of people world wide are infact, lazy, or tending to be lazy.

I first decided to dabble into this subject after witnessing a traffic today.

So there I was, sitting peacefully in a bus heading from one part of town to the other, when suddenly, a wild traffic appeared(pokemon reference). As this is a fairly normal occurrence, I decided this would be a good time to put up my ear buds, and listen to some cool music. However, while doing that, I noticed quite a number of things occurring round me in the traffic.

Now some may say that some of this is ''playing smart'' but I see it as laziness through and through.

First thing I noticed was drivers who were trying to pass a one way road as a shortcut, when they very well knew that any incoming car met would only increase the time to clear up the road.

Another thing i noticed was that people generally were more interested in getting to their destination on time than getting to clear the traffic!

On further listening, I discovered that many of these drivers simply wanted to get to a bar or something and drink up!

Is that laziness? depending on how you look at is anyway.

Lets all try and be productive, instead of lazy!