What is LBRY?
It is just a means to share content and giving the ability to have credit assigned and be able to make payments directly to curators or content creators. Like Steemit? Yes. Sort of. Okay not really. While we use Steemit and it has a blogging interface, think of LBRY more as multimedia. Of course you can share multimedia on Steemit and you can share blog posts on LBRY, but when you use each solution for it's best purpose, you start seeing why you should just have an account on both.
LBRY is one of those awesome new fangled decentralized solutions all the Silicon Valley boys talk about, I had signed up for early access to the site I do not even remember when and forgot about it. While out walking this morning I got an email that I was in! For the next hour or so on the new toy, and I have to admit, it is fun, and super simple to use.
How does it run?
Starting up the app I was not taken to some registration screen, I was right away given a home screen with content I could click and check out. It almost reminded me of Netflix. Being curious about publishing content, I went ahead and did a live test post, which you can see here lbry://@cryptocollectibles/bebopandbatman if you have LBRY already. After doing this I noticed I go some extra credits for this, neat!
Off to go check content by others, I looked at the top "comedy" section and found this lbry://WilliamsburgFashion1 with the description of "*Culture*, brought to you by:
✯ American Apparel
✯ Scion
✯ Vimeo
✯ Peet's Coffee
✯ BrooklynVegan
✯ Fader Fort by Fiat
✯ Converse
✯ [adult swim]"
Well, they got my stupid curiosity going with so many random keywords, like a fool I clicked. My first content viewing experience was disappointing. I don't know what I expected, but it wasn't a fairly clothed female letting me know she likes to fuck strangers. Okay, it was just stupid, but I guess I didn't lose money, and I felt like this was my own fault going for a poorly described video and a poorly made thumbnail. I did not give up. Somewhere along alt-tabbing back from web browser to LBRY and just clicking around, I found that LBRY had a built in system to earn some free credits by just doing stuff I was doing anyways. Such as, watch some videos!
I did find that video game news giant IGN had content on LBRY already which is cool to see, watched an episode of Linked Together where the new Legend of Zelda is being played lbry://@IGNonLBRY/linked-ep5 The only issue I ran into with LBRY so far, is one video didn't load for me lbry://@CasuallyExplained/casually-successful. I ended up finding the creator of that video, Casually Explained, and checking out more material from him and I am glad I did. He seems to have a successful YouTube channel and has now been sharing the content on LBRY, awesome!
After enjoying that video I realized, that is basically it. You don't have to set up a VPN for this, you do not seem to have to learn the whole background world of crypto currencies or grasp what a decentralization is, you just load it up, enjoy and share content, get paid. Do you want 20 credits off fairly quickly? Claim a channel and grab 5 credits! You were probably going to want to get your username in there anyways, bam. 10 credits for first published post! Easy peasy, bam. Stream a video and get 5 credits! The app is on Windows, Apple, and Linux so far and if you want to get early access use link here here LBRY.io/get?r=lz8SP and sign up!
I use Steemit, Why use LBRY too?
Because they are two separate things, the best part is going to be those of you who see the benefit of both. For you with VLOGs especially, you can provide exclusive paid for content and still offer free content. Make a Steemit post about your new album and be able to link to the LBRY page where people can buy it directly from you! This works for digital artwork as well. I can't even think of the bunch of uses this has for those who want full control of their works at the same time as being able to have it distributed worldwide. Sign up at LBRY.io/get?r=lz8SP and see if LBRY might be something you want to support! As someone who just likes taking in a lot of entertaining content, well, LBRY seems to be a good platform for checking out content of all kinds.
Comic Books from the 90s - Zen Intergalactic Ninja from 1994
LBRY & Steemit the future of social media!
Now I have created https://LBRY.Community - for Content Creators, Users and Developers - The Ultimate Headquarter for Projects built on the LBRY Protocol.
Thanks for the post ! I'm currently testing it as well. Seems promising !
Great to hear! I agree it is just so promising, just love seeing the new tech like this and OpenBazaar and Bitsquare, going to have so many non web solutions where in a very near awesome future that is already working for so many users right now.
I'm super interested in library, I think steemit can grow into a solid contender for all social media related written content, even expand to things like zapple as well for shorter twitter like posts. That being said library sounds super cool, I've been interested for a while so I'm glad your review is positive about the actual working mechanics of the site.
This makes me stoked for that coin, thanks dude.
I try to keep posts here comic book related, but once I was on LBRY and using it I just had to share here with Steemit. Seen a bunch of people posting referral links but giving no content or reasons why to try LBRY, wanted to at least show this is very much worth a gander at the least. Thanks for the kind words glad to know the post is reaching the right people.
Hell yeah man! No worries I'm also very much looking forward to their release in the future. Site looks awesome, I wish it was similar to steem instead of a buy and sell model but it's still a massive step in the right direction.
Love the posts man, as always.
i think lbry is good but not like steemit
Yup, I agree, they can go hand and hand for a lot of users rather than people think they need to choose one or the other or something like that.
I'm syncing with the LBRY blockchain now. Got the early access pass some time back, but was having issues installing it on my desktop. Fortunately, my girlfriend is letting me use a laptop that I just upgraded for us.
Awesome! Make sure to just view some videos, do a test upload of something cool to share, easy ways to earn some free LBC within app right away.
I've been using it a bit. If you check out lbry://@SnorpXYZ/snrplp06 there's a Let's Play, and then I've started hosting all kinds of crap.
Awesome, love it! Going through the files now just seeing the random "all kinds of crap" you got here lol
Good write up, I'm going to have to look into this more. I heard about it awhile but before they launched there software. Thanks for the reminder. I forgot about lbry.
This is exactly what I'm finding
Just signup under you...ola
I don't get any guide to install the program

I am not sure if I am understanding this comment right, http://lbry.io has guides available of all kinds that are actually written well and installing the program happens after they will send you an email with the link for download.
there literally no content yet. like 20 videos or something hopefully it will change with time.
Yeah, the content will come, making sure the system it is built on is more important than having the most amount of videos first I think, so hopefully more content will come. Having some David Cross flick available right away isn't too shabby though just to show established names can support this app.
nice post ,,, you have good blog , Good luck. Comrade
You should not copy and paste your replies to posts https://steemit.com/@alireza-tili/comments as that might get you flagged for Spam content on the site here. Good luck.
and so it begins, check out lbry://@movie#7381dcaa482bdc199934779c7aa39922f0342582