So... what exactly IS #LBRY anyway?

in #lbry5 years ago

My original post is here:

I would love to explain in depth. But to sum it up in a few sentences. LBRY is like what YouTube would be if they actually gave a shit about their content creators and/or their viewers. Which to be clear, they dont.
So through LBRY, by publishing content, you can earn LBRY credits or ($LBC) which is a legitimate crypto currency like Bitcoin that is traded on the NYSE. This can then be exchanged/converted to ANY other currency in the world. Like Dolla dolla bills. So if you are already gonna be making cool shit, like bit not limited to videos/ music/ photos/ blogs/ all sorts of file types, not just video (Like YouTube). Then you can earn TIPS directly from your viewers with no mimimum viewership (Like YouTube's: 1,000 Subscribers minimum) and NO minimum views (like YT's: 4,000 watchtime hours in the last 365 days)
cough BULLSHIT!!!
With LBRY, you can start earning from Day 1, with zero subs and no views.
But here, let them tell you more about it in 100 seconds...

Think of LBRY as being 2 Layers:

That 100 seconds video is awesome but I also just stumbled upon another great "What is LBRY?" explanation video.

Yes! You can...and you should, for something that is familiar in appearance but that is drastically different in almost every imaginable way.
When people are told to Leave YouTube for something they are being told is FAR BETTER!
They simply will not believe you! Because they can't... not yet anyway. They will most likely need to be convinced of this new information because it will almost certainly conflict drastically with what they already know.
That being: "I can easily go to YouTube to view anything I want for free. Therefore I don't need to ever learn about anything outside of YouTube."
These people will typically need to view some sort of "outside evidence" like a cartoonish explanation video like the one down there 👇 to prove or validate the BOLD claims that you have just made.
So... it is definitely important to TALK to new people about LBRY! But when talking just isn't enough to make them see the greatness...

Think of LBRY as being 2 Layers:
Platform - The face that YouTube will be looking into as it is gasping for its last breath. I am always on the lookout for these types of videos because I think they are one of the most important tools for bringing in new people and making them feel more comfortable as they develop a deeper understanding for a totally new concept like #LBRY. That concept being: "Wait... what!? I can LEAVE YouTube!?" For something BETTER!? But what is possibly better than #YouTube? Please SHARE THESE types of VIDEOS EVERYWHERE you tend to do that sort of thing! If you care at all about helping to grow the platform together, and you want to SHARE #LBRY effectively and easily with others. #LBRYansUnited📚✊

Protocol - The underlying structure that the LBRY apps were built upon, which will over time upgrade the entire internet itself and take us all to level 2 of content creation, sharing, anti-censorship, and internet freedom!
Welcome to the future!

If you want to show your support for what I am trying to do to help LBRY. Please join us on MeWe here and become an active part of the revolution!

If you want to check out some of my videos on LBRY and/or you would like to get your hands on a FREE LBRY STICKER!
Watch this video to learn more:
"Sticker It To The Man!" Update Video! 50 Free LBRY Stickers!