What kind of leader are you?
Do you lift up, Do you assist?
Or are you a complaining pessimist?
Do you encourage to grow, to educate,
Or do you look for the faults to debate?
A true leader lifts up, they do not tear down,
They jump in and work, not waiting for others to come around.
See a true leader knows to lead they must be willing to follow,
So a leader doesn't need to hollar and scowl,
A true leader is one that everyone looks to in delight,
A true leader doesn't need to prove they are right.
A true leader looks out for their team,
They will protect them, from those who are mean.
A true leader isn't just about the numbers getting done,
They understand that morale is where the work is won,
Stress and demands may get things done quick,
But it's also a sure way for the best workers to quit,
And while the desperate may stay for they have no choice,
The quality of the work will be their voice.
Take pride and do good, stop looking for the faults,
For with good morale a bad issue halts.
A true leader's team will enjoy,
The job they do and tasks deployed.
Reports, emails, a computer can do,
But a true leader has a team that will do for you.
Most people are loyal to the person not the company,
The best performance is with team that's happy.
Welcome to Steemit! We're happy you could join us.
Sorry for late reply I was off steemit for few months but I am back. I am having hip replacement surgery soon and will be in down time for awhile so I plan to utilize my time wisely and steemit will be beneficial to do