The Quick Leadership Competition - What makes a good leader? why do I give a sh..? WinSteem!!

in #leadership6 years ago (edited)

What makes a good leader? who inspires you to be the best version of yourself?

OR Who cares?.. that's what this competition is about, hehe

Well, without leaders we wouldn't have anyone to blame and would have to use free will all the time and get along..that's allot to ask really...especially when we are all so busy eh.??

Here are some possible leader types and if they spoke honestly what they might be saying:

Inspirational leaders - "here is a vision, it's bright and beautiful, lets get there together"

They are possibly really thinking:.."These people keep asking me how, WTF? how the hell should I know? I just gave you the vision I stole from someone else!!!, now pay me a truck load and get on with it!. What is that I hear?...was that a small child asking something innocent in the back row, sorry no money there - damn my selected hearing is acting up again"

Manipulative leaders - "hello, how was your weekend?, what did you do??, how do you feel, what do you think about x, I'm asking because I like you and think your opinion matters - surely you see I just care!"

They are possibly thinking:... "hey, look at that pond slim over there, I'm so much better then them, but shit some how they have all the good ideas, I'm so fricken jealous how they do that!!! and also they know I'm a fake...Hmmn what can I find out about you, not because I want to know you..I just want to work out how to control you or destroy you before you expose me."

Puppet leaders - "Look every body at my song and dance, I will make decisions in your best interest as you elected me your leader:

They are possibly thinking:..."I just said something that makes you think I'm smart eh! but you all think I'm leading you! there is actually a whole gang behind me and I'm just their voice and if I don't do what they say and make you think I'm the one saying it....I'll be dead by this time tomorrow!"

Attractive leaders - "I'm so know your attracted, watch me...there you go, your safe now!" 

They are possibly thinking:... "now I have your vision, I'll take your mind and soul, if you get scared, just do what I say and....look how pretty I am!"

What do Steemians think makes a great leader? and why would you give a sh..? If you have a few minutes, I'd love you to share your thoughts.

  1. What makes a great leader to you? 
  2. Who is your favorite leader? 

Oh! The competition:

Which ever reply below gets the most upvotes (other upvotes by others whom have made a reply count) will receive a special Steem prize.



You're opening one heck of a can of worms here aren't you?

In my opinion, good leaders act in the best interest of all the people they're leading. Anything other than that and they're no longer leading. They're either a tyrant or a leech.
I don't think I know any leaders, so I can't pick a favourite. ;)

Hahaha not all leaders are created equally, many nice people like yourself are leaders for causes, but just not all up in people's faces :)

I guess most leaders try to rally people behind a cause; but I think for allot the cause is simply an excuse, to get more power. What was the old saying... absolute power corrupts absolutely.

No ones perfect, but I agree with your reply.i.e. it's been awhile since I've come across a truly great leader based on someone acting in the interest of others...this would be dying breed.

Lol! I'm no leader! I prefer to follow unless it's a path I don't agree with. Then I'll set out alone if need be. Maybe join others along the way.
I often think the best leaders are those who don't particularly choose to lead, but somehow end up with the role out of circumstance.

The best managers are those that

  1. Lead by example
  2. Make decisions that work for the betterment of the workers and customers. Not just their profit margins.
  3. Understand that each worker has different strengths and weaknesses, help them utilise their strengths and don't make them feel like shit for their weaknesses.

My best manager was at iiNet. Only problem i had was that he had upper management breathing down his neck which was not his fault.

Nice points - I agree, focusing on strengths is really important (help people to be their best and feel good) and definitely helping people to open their minds to see what could be an area of learning and growth is important. We need people we respect to open doors for us sometimes (..or sometimes ever see and define the door for us) so we can choose to walk through.

Eck! that makes me angry when good people get shot down..That sucks some of the best managers I have seen that do good are the first to go when times get tough. makes no sense but I think its fair to say, poor leaders pool together and cover each other in numbers, they create confusion and if possible blame the good ones or at least push part of the blame onto them. It doesn't feel good to sit and watch that stuff go down.

Over the years I have stood up for those few good people, but sadly most won't stand up for themselves often crippled by fear and intimidation and thus they never seem to push further up to make a real difference.

Yup - build with no end efficiency; more with less

I think the best leaders are just people on their own path.
Others notice they don't look lost, and follow along, at least until they're confident to choose their own path.

Nicely said...

I feel when you freely advise someone with your hand on your heart(truth), keep the cause in mind and at the center of what you do and truly care for those who follow (and even those who choose not to) you cannot fail to be a good leader - I just don't understand why we support a system that spits out so many which are opposite or just don't 'feel' to do this!! it's seen more as a weakness...AND why the hell we follow so blindly some idiots like lemmings off the cliff hehe

To me, a good leader is someone who listens, inspires and is willing to do the work themselves.
They should be willing to teach what they know in order to bring everyone up to their level.

As for who I would choose as a favourite leader, I am sort of stumped on that one.
There have been many people who have been inspirational to me, but none that I would
consider an ideal leader. The only person who comes close would be Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson.

Inspirational, does the work, believes in encouraging everyone to be their best, uplifting, positive and so forth.

Respectable list... and who doesn't like the rock :)

You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

hey, look at that pond slim over there, I'm so much better then them, but shit some how they have all the good ideas, I'm so fricken jealous how they do that!
It should be better than instead of better then.

..yep, that's the biggest issue with the sentence :)

LOL. Slimy grammarnazi