in #leadership7 years ago (edited)


We all know it.

It's the thing that gets stuff done.

It's the thing that changes the world.

It's the thing that the NFL's Browns will need if they ever want to win a game of football ever again.

Though the way it looks differs from person to person, there are simple principles one should look into if leadership is something he/she wants to improve on or strive for.

SIDE NOTE: When I say simple, I mean it's simple to understand and type; its simplicity in practice depends on you ;)

OTHER SIDE NOTE: In the title, I mean you can instantly learn how to become a leader... not instantly become. Hope that click bait doesn't bother you. *Gives a sleazy smiley as he strokes his menacing mustache*

1. The Mindset

In it's essence, an effective leader has a mindset involving these 5 words: Optimism, Drive, Accountability, Vision, and BALLS (or as Disney would put it, "bravery").


Why not be optimistic? 

Being optimistic not only improves the motivation behind what's being done, but it generally leads to better results. Anyone can be pessimistic all day about certain things, but if you find yourself being pessimistic about a certain goal you are trying to achieve, then why did you set that goal? Is it because you enjoy self-loathing? Self-sabatoge, maybe? In addition, if your pessimistic about those you are trying to lead, then why are you working with them, and why are they working with you? 

Optimism is the foundation of the majority of goals created by leaders then, and leaders now. It's the excitement that helps one embark on a journey and learn from it. As well as being the spark that keeps a leader going, it's also the spark that inspires others. 


Perseverance, grit, moxie, spunk, determination, and stick-to-itveness; a couple of other terms synonymous with "drive" just in case that was not enough. 

Drive is what truly gets stuff done. As the famous law of attraction goes, the more you think about and work towards something, the likelihood for you to reach that goal increases and increases.

Here's the issue with drive, though. The longer the road looks, the harder it is to keep going. There are methods of breaking your goals up into smaller goals or certain timers such as the "pomodoro timer" that can help with keeping up progress without burning out. So if it ever looks like your in it for the long haul, keep this in mind, because it's your drive that will lead you to where you want to go.


Being accountable goes into things such as being on time, keeping promises, and meeting deadlines.

Sometimes we wish it could be somebody else's responsibility to get the stuff we don't want to spend time on or do done. Leaders often don't get this luxury and, unfortunately, with our technology today, there are very few solutions to this. So it has to come down to you. You're the anchor of the team. You're the clutch factor. You're the peanut butter to everyone's jelly. Because if you don't provide the results you expect, who will?


So you and your team have a goal, right? If/when the goal is achieved, what will the results look like? You gotta be able to paint of picture of what the future looks like if your goal is achieved. With a strong visualization of what you expect out of your goal, you allow yourself to not only solidify it, but also help with taking the proper steps to in order to achieve it.

Balls ( "Bravery" )

It takes courage and bravery to lead a group....

People will not always agree with you. 

You will not always have the answers.

You may get heckled on social media. 

It's tough. But you just gotta be brave and be a tad more optimistic (like I mentioned above ^^) People will respect you, people can depend on you, and most importantly, people will be inspired by you. 

PRO TIP: Bravery is often a "fake it 'til you make it" skill. Sometimes, just aiming to look brave will lead you towards the path of becoming brave.

2. Know Yourself & Grow Yourself

A strong sense of identity is necessary in a good leader. Self-awareness and self-learning are some of the things that should always be on your mind. To understand your habits, the way you communicate, the way you think, your strengths, your weaknesses, and so on is essential to you becoming the best version of yourself.  Your initial self-analysis is the first step to finding who you are. Continuous self-analysis is what helps you grow. A good leader often will be able to answer questions such as these about his/herself:

  • What's my purpose?
  • What's important to me?
  • How do I want to be seen?
  • How does the way I behave help/hurt others?
  • How do I approach problems?

 There are many tools out there that can help one venture onto the path of self-growth. Whether it be the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator, the Big 5, or even if you're into Harry Potter, you can check out what house you belong to. There's always more you can learn about yourself, right? If you haven't started, I recommend you begin immediately.

3. Don't Be a Fool. Know Your Psychology.

Do not underestimate the power of knowing how people work.

Understand that different people are different. No two people think the exact same way. That's why it's important to pay attention to and improve one's emotional intelligence. Paying attention to the emotions, motives, and logic behind the way others communicate and behave helps a shit ton when it comes to leading. Strengthening your emotional intelligence also gifts you with a unique level of intuition when it comes with what others are thinking and feeling. You will be able to create a magnetism towards yourself because of your care, understanding, and continued learning of others' characters. 

There it is. Those are the steps to become a leader. You don't need to go buy some online class by Tai Lopez to be learning this. Just follow these steps and add your own pizzazz and become a leader no one has seen before. 

Be sure to follow me here on steemit: @mukaiselekwa (I often follow back if you're active).

And if twitter is your kinda thing, follow me there as well: @mukaiselekwa