The task of coordinating team members with different mindsets is an enormous hustle. Especially addressing their “things to improve on”, providing updated instructions, and keeping them always motivated can absorb the soul out of a team leader and burn her/him out. But team leaders should never risk themselves being burned out. It will impact the overall team effort and productivity. To prevent it, as a team leader, you must first know the source of professional fatigue and deal with it.
Critical Symptoms of Stress
Symptoms are not the source of your problem. But they demonstrate the nature of a situation you are going through. Find out if you are feeling unstoppable pressure managing your community or team, stress out of running constant communication, and emotional distress for pushing yourself to make everything in place. You might also experience a drain in your energy level from trying too much to engage your community members.
You might also find yourself not responding to your team members properly or not answering their queries in time. These all are the symptoms that your work has gone beyond the fair line of stress. You are suffering from fatigue, and further continuing on the routine will lead you to a complete burnout soon.
Salvation: Being Effective without Getting Burned Out
Now let's talk about how to pave a comparatively smoother path to walk on as a team leader. But first, sort out how do you feel and why you are feeling it. In most cases, leaders lose their will of work for four reasons-
- Being accessible to their teams 24/7
- Struggling with the communication process
- Doing excessive overtime
- Losing interest in the work
Sounding familiar? Lets’ learn how to get rid of these feelings and get your inner leader back to its most energetic condition:
Take a Break
It’s as simple as it sounds. It’s not surprising that working relentlessly will surely take you to your point break. You will notice the symptoms highlighting higher stress levels. To deal with it, you should prioritize taking short breaks. When I said break and this means avoid multitasking when you are taking your lunch or on a coffee break. Spend ten to twenty minutes doing or thinking about nothing, try meditation. I do it when I feel like my brain is exhausted from too much thinking of a lot of things . You can think of the break as wasted time. But it’s actually the opposite. The peace and refreshment a break can give you will speed up your work at hand. Also, they will save you from running out of energy in the long run.
Implement what Suits You the Most
This tip is particularly for leaders without a suitable communication funnel. Thanks to technology, communicating is not bound in a certain channel these days. You can use email, different chat boxes, video conferencing tools, or phones to communicate with your members. But not all these media will work for everyone. Because each of them has a particular way of conveying messages. For instance, communication through email is much more suitable when you are not expecting a quick response. Using a chat box is suitable for conveying short messages, but they demand instant response. Choose your standard of communication for your team wisely.
Take Care of Your Personal Life
It's an interesting one. Team leaders often can't get out of their professional brains, even in their non-professional times. It often happens that we are spending our free time worrying over the next meeting or the progress of a task. It amplifies your stress level and makes you tired even when you are not working physically. To break this habit, you should spend this time with your families and friends. Or put some share of it into mindfulness practice or physical exercising.
Focus on Your Vision
Just recall how happy you were when you first got to community or managed to find the first member of your team. Just revisit the thrill you felt when you realized that you were on a journey with a meaningful vision. It will help you pass the period when you think that you have seen and had enough. Utter yourself the thoughts that inspired you to play this role. You are a leader. The idea itself is an interesting and exciting one. Don’t lose your grip on it.
Final Words
The feeling of burning out can be so overwhelming for a leader that it might make her/him leave the position and responsibility. Many team leaders choose to keep their heads down and keep hustling to fight back the feeling, only to get into a worse situation. Taking a step back and getting a short shelter can be more effective in such times. This will help you be more effective to your team and community.
I hope this article will help you stay motivated as a leader as I am trying my best to be one. This blog will be my go-to reminder on how I can remain effective as a leader of my community.
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For more visibility of this blog, your support through upvote and reblog is much appreciated. Also, feel free to share on your social media accounts. Thank much! ❤️
Don't be lazy and take it for granted. Answer your comments!
Haha, I think 9hours was enough rest for me 😁
This comment is 2 days old - same as the post. No comment was answered on this post at all.
Also, googling the title brings up hundreds of articles that are looking very similar in form and content, so perhaps adding something that is exclusive to Hive would be of more value, rather than this generic kind of fluff. That is my opinion on this though and perhaps other people find it highly valuable to have a thousand versions of the same thing found all over the internet that date back for years.
HEy .... I not ask someone must fast text back ... if you ask this I can very easy to say " Fuck Off for you" :)) She text when see have time ok :))) @tarazkp ... she is mom and she have home job also :))
it's okay @foxfoit, it's all my fault. I wasn't responsible enough and relied on one of my editors. I think I was obsessed in making some of my blogs looking so perfect and I thought hiring people to help me make my blogs look better and even maybe perfect would earn me some respect as bringing value to this community but this is the result. I apologies for all this.
You don't have to ask. I am using the example as I see fit, as per the rules of the blockchain :)
She isn't the only one who is busy in this world or has children to look after - but is one of the very few who is a "full-time blogger".
Are you try be funny or smart ... I see you get same big upvotes :)) So stop say here summe rules ok :)))
You make small post and you get 50 or 80 HBD upvote ... :))) Funny man .
So, now that this post is actually plagiarised and not written by her at all and she paid someone a couple dollars to write it, what do you think of it?
I also have two jobs, a child and answer nearly all of my comments for 5 years :) - still not a full-time blogger though.
oh my gosh you are right about the plagiarism! My apologies to everyone.

I take full responsibility for this and admit that I should have checked this before taking it from one of my editors.
My humble apology! I admit I am so bad at dealing with stress that I didn't even check everything. I will return all the rewards for this blog. I am truly sorry.
Who says there will be any rewards left on this post for you to give back?
You know what's the most important thing about being a team leader? Integrity. Which you don't have.
I have many team leaders working for me. If someone did what you did, they would lose their team leader job the next day.
Lifetime blogger? This is your outward facing self image. Once you destroy it there is no repairs. I recommend you watch the movie Social Network. There was a comment about this over there.
I am disgusted by this behavior.
I don't know what is worse, you paying people to write your blogs, or you paying people to fill your blogs and not even taking the effort to check what you are paying for. I suspect that this wouldn't be the only post this has happened on.
It is disappointing to say the least.
Sorry if it made you think am taking it for granted. I cannot sacrifice my time for my family, they're my priority and taking breaks helps me to take time learn news things and right now I a goal to finish @ryzeonline, begginners guide for my upcoming seminar,
I don't know who can finish it one seating 🤣but it surely an informative article!
I'm honored you're reading my guide, and I'm glad you find it informative. Wishing you lots of joy and success with your upcoming seminar! 🙏
The path to mass genericization...
You must be feeling so burned out you can answer your comments. It's not a good look you know.
And when you have a two and half year old telling you "put away phone,mommie" I think you don't even have to think twice to put work aside.
Hey there. Not ignoring the comments but rather things than prioritizing important things being a full time to a two year old is already a big responsibility plus having 27 members doesn't also make it easy but delegating some tasks to my members really help. 😊
The grammar and construction of your comments doesn't read commensurate to that in your posts, it's like two different people are writing. Interesting.
you're right. I mentioned this in my previous blogs that I hired people to help me with some of my blogs and this person I hired recently from upwork. My apologies for this mess!
You are paying people from upwork to write your blogs? How does this make you a full-time blogger? It makes you a full-time payer.
I have seen this kind of thing several times before and it is not received well, especially when the "blogger" makes it seem that they are the ones doing the work. There is a massive difference having an editor and having someone write your blogs.
All good ... not take this text very big ... you text when you have time not then when they say it :) @purepinay
*prioritizing things
I remember your average post value like 6 month ago?😉
What happened?
Wishing well to everybody, but upvote circles are a bad look for a decentralized community...
Did the quality of your posts became 20-30 times the upvote value???
I honestly believe that my contents had improved and I really do my best to bring out the best in each content.
Upvote circles,I wish I can send all the bullet point here of the things that I have to do to make my own community members stay motivated but I maybe you're right about the upvotes coz I that's one way of me to motivate it but it doesn't mean it done show support to other Hivers outside my circle.
Am trying to balance my personal life with work but at manage to keep posted with the 27members I have who are new to the platform and I use my own money to host Hive seminar, meet ups, without asking penny from the community. And if others still don't see my value to the community, I don't know what else to say but I will continue what am doing in helping the platform in own little ways.
Though I do believe that some of my blog rewards are overvalued and that is not my fault, that's why downvote is designed if people think my post doesn't deserve the rewards.
But thank you for bringing this up, I may be agree to everyone but am always open for improvement. 😊
I gotta say it's a charming & diplomatic one. My compliments.
I also hope i can trust the innocence in your words.
You really earned some respect, for admitting that some of my blog rewards are overvalued. I hope the whales will balance their upvotes better.
To start a downvote campaign is bad karma, i'm an upvoter or leave it alone type a guy...hardly ever used the downvote button.
I think the "Jump" in value of your posts started around July 2021, that's why it looks like you joined some circles...
exaggerated example than your over value, over 400 Hives for 4 sentences of a introduction. Like i say in the video, to show people "Amigo" business is the wrong way to lead as an example.Apropos Leadership 😉
Thanks again for your answer.Thank you for your answer @purepinay . I got a little emotional about it & even made a video , seeing a even more
Who is writing or editing your posts?
As someone who has taught English for nearly two decades, the difference between the language of the post above and this, is very large.
" I use my own money to host Hive seminar " DID YOU READ THIS FUNNY MAN .... SO fuck off @tarazkp ... she needs to earn also to pay all this .
What has this got to do with the large difference in grammar between the post and the comment?
You are quite sweary. No one else seems to have been. Why have these questions triggered you so?
I have no idea :)) , man looks funny I try more text what him :)) @meesterboom
Fair enough :0D
I hired him form upwork and he is from Khulna, Bangladesh
Managing people is one of the most challenging and stressful task😪😥😥
That's true! It's challenging, but fulfilling at the same time!
The "Thank you, Gil" and the "You are one of my inspiration" will always be uplifting at the end of the day 🥰
Thank you! 😊
This post really made me chill out, and take a break from hustling. I always feel bad for taking breaks because I feel like I constantly have something to do that's either productive academically, or financially. And now I seem to feel bad for taking breaks. But now, I feel that taking breaks is a part of progress, instead of a hindrance to it.
Oh no! Don't feel bad about taking a break. Yes, as humans, we are born to thrive, but academe and finance are not the only fields we have to put our focus on. Please take care of your physical and mental health too!
I found this post very informative. Specially bcz im a team leader of my gaming squad and they often don't listen to my instructions which makes me really angry and stressed. Thank u @purepinay ☺️
You are most welcome! Just remember my tip: Implement what suits you the most and Focus on your vision❤️ Try to find what kind of instructions and techniques they are willing to take voluntarily. I believe you can instruct them one day without any single stress! Hoping for your success!
Thank you ☺️❤️
Such an inspiring post Gil! You never fail to motivate us with your posts and encouraging words!!!
Thank your for the kind words, Klause!
Wow I didn't noticed this was 2 days ago na post pala haha kaya pala nakaabang ang iba sa response haha
Pa lechon nemen Dyan. 🥴😋
Lechon pa ka, nagreklamo na nai ang iba Jan oh haha
G, Ngano mana? Chay nahitabo?
Lechon na thiiiisss 😁😁
Hoi wala pa kasell akong mga cookies, help me to sell them!! Haha
Hahahah sureeee, e advertise na nato hahaah
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at
Uh.. I like this post 🤗👌👌🍷 ... my motivational line is....., post every day and don't stop good thing need time and lot days, also show your hard times too not to smile always.... we are not in instagram where all smile all time what is very scary 😆😆
Haha thank you! Ahhh it's always that you can come across this blog in my page but thanks to people like you who constantly shows support. Hehe Cheers!
Wish I can send you some cookies, especialty of Purepinay 😊
Thank you!! ... I hope I have tea also then :)) Cookies what tea is also good :)
I wish I had read this a couple of months ago when I was going through a rough patch at work. I usually have a hard time drawing the line between work and personal life so reading something like this helps remind me that my mental health is equally as important, if not more, as the hard work I put into what I do. Thank you for this wonderful post 💕
I am the same, I totally need this publish this and I had bookmarked it. 😊
Glad you like it ☺️
Thank you for sharing 💜💕💜
Right! We shouldn't be afraid to take a break, right? Having a break is not always equal to abandoning our responsibilities 😊 Am always thankful for all of your supports!
True! The analogy of the Empty Cup comes to mind. When our cups are no longer full, we cannot be expected to pour out to others so it's important to take breaks🙏
Totally agree my friend, there are even situations in which stress can cause states of depression and in which cases the situation gets out of control, but having a good exercise routine, healthy eating, recreation and mental health is a situation that should not happen,
Yes, we are humans not robots 😁
Mag axie or splinterlands ka na lng, then hire scholars. hehe