You might say I saved the best for last. The E Minor chord is very easy to play. This chord is so epic sounding that I encourage you to give it the old Pete Townsend / Angus Young heavy downstroke as soon as you get your fingers into position. Place your second and third finger on those strings and give all six strings a good windmill wham from top to bottom!
Didn’t that feel good? It’s as though this chord is what the guitar was made for. In some ways that is true. This chord has the most open strings of any chord, so the sound rings out so much more clearly than any notes made by pressing your fingers down. Guitar players love to play in the key of E Minor. While I encourage doing whatever makes you happy musically, not every instrument lends itself to that key as easily as the guitar. So, if you want to play with other musicians who play different instruments, maybe give equal attention to practicing other keys.
Keep letting that E minor ring out as long as it’s gives you pleasure and then return to the practice of placing your fingers in that position again and again, eventually transitioning into all the other chords you have learned.
Very useful post. Thanks @mayushi
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks. I’m glad you like it.
Happy Diwali! May Laxmi bless you and your loved ones with abundance!
Thanks and Happy Deepawali to you and all of yours.
Posted using Partiko Android