Pronunciation of the Chinese word Yuan

in #learnchinese7 years ago

This is a pet peeve of mine.

uan's literal translation is dollar. The official term for the People's Republic of China dollar is the Renminbi, which translates to "the people's money". In Mandarin Chinese, each character is one syllable. Renminbi is actually three characters - ren, min and bi. The Pinyin Romanization calls for no spaces between characters of a word. So Ren-Min-Bi gets concatenated to Renminbi. This is confusing and unfortunate, I would much rather see capitalization of the first letter of each character, such as RenMinBi. This makes it explicit that there are three syllables.


Important information about the Chinese currency
Thanks for the post

Not at all necessary. In almost all languages, vowels are the loudest, most prominent part of a syllable. Syllables cannot exist without vowels, usually marked with aeiou:

r E n m I n b I

3 vowels = 3 syllables. Problem solved!