Why Important To Guide A Child In Very Start?
Getting Knowledge Is Important But Here It's Better To focus of some different Situation!let's talk about the different concepts of the different people From different thoughts.
It is very important to follow your parents rules and regulation in order with the schooling systems for Living In the Asian Side!Even from the start you will be forced to follow your "parent's" rules if you haven't follows rules you will get Treated very badly and you will be Not considered as a responsible child.
Learning And getting knowledge is very important for living a life in this fast growing Eco system which is the power of every person But when a child is force to Do something he will be not able to learn and get any sort of knowledge for himself he will only time pass and he will just try to get to the last of this student life only nothing else no proper channel to get the goal and to achieve the success of the life.
With Wrong Concept What will Be The Result?
when you give a wrong concept to a child where he is not interested in,When you are in forcing on him then he will have a bad habit and a bad addiction to kill his depression once he got in depression he will have no focus and no intention in any work,"A lot of people think that when you are doing something with the pleasure then you will catching up Everything Very quickly and when you are doing something in a depressed mood you will never be able to focus in any kind of mental ability.
Specially for learning and getting knowledge the mental stability and discussions with the different mind people is very important,
Mental stability is helping the person to focus on different sides of the Work he is involving in.
Discussion will Help Him Getting and collecting many more ideas and he will have to think about each and every one deeply.
In a depressed mood you will never be able to focus on anything and you will never be able to get your regards.
Well from the root you have to set your child mind for something Because it's important for them but if you are in forcing them at the very later stage that you will have Get A very unmannered response.
This in forcing will make him mentally disabled and difficult for him to manage has routine emotions and feelings they will always have negative feelings inside him and and negativity about their parents also,Which will make him hatters inside.
We need to learn about knowledge that how can we get knowledge and where the Knowledge Is Power we need a mechanism and hardship for the general experience, Which will Help Us Grown Up And to Fight every situation with honor.