Some thoughts following my talk at the Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities

in #lecture7 years ago

A while ago I had the privilege to talk about The Art of Dreaming before the staff of The Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities.


Credit: nomad-magus

It was a thrilling and challenging experience. Already when the lecture was scheduled, a few months before, I felt how the preparations were beginning behind the physical curtains. A week before I stood on stage, a dream meeting took place with several of the future attendees with whom I journeyed far into the inner worlds to work with. It was actually a lecture before a lecture.

I have no idea why this lecture, in particular, stood out of the many others I have given along the years; perhaps it's the role of my audience and their influence on the scientific community. No doubt, it's high time that dreams received a close look and inspection in order to reach scientific validation.

Why? Because I have learned that many people are still resisting the validity of dreams. Their rational mind looks for hard evidence before they would consider dreams as something serious or real. No matter how much I describe personal dreams, no matter how many personal experiences with dreams they have, the mind demands its toll.

Credit: Israel Science Foundation

It was not easy - it never is - to convince the mind to lower its guards, to allow new and unknown materials to come in. The mind tends to reject anything that might contradict its known picture of reality. I must say that in that lecture I invested special effort to create a safe space where the mind would feel comfortable to take the back seat.

I have had a wonderful time there with a highly intelligent people who were curious and eager to expand their horizons. Their questions intrigued me, the dreams they shared allowed me to connect with my own spirit, and I was honored and blessed by the experience.


Credit: nomad-magus

During the break, a young woman approached me and remarked that the energies in the room were quite exceptional. I was glad to hear that. When I talk, my mind is almost always focused on the physical reality and I am not able to feel the gathered energies. Her Ability to sense those and share them with me reassured me of the important work that we were doing.

Besides, it was fun. And according to me, that is the best reason to do something.



I believe in dreams and that they can become reality. Sometimes they are about things that have happened or will happen de ja vu. I also like to daydream because when I do, it seems like I can make t a reality. Another thing, dreams are free!

Thanks, @nomad-magus like how you mentioned there are a number of people who do not take dreams seriously but truly the dreams are here to show us the spiritual world and besides the spiritual world rules the physical world so giving a lecture about dreams is the best thing you can do to enlight the people about their spiritual life and how they need to take it as a treasure .. Oooh by the way Israel schools look awesome .

It's a beautiful venue with great people.
Thsnk you 🙏

to convince the mind to lower its guards, to allow the entry of new and unknown materials. The mind tends to reject anything that might contradict its familiar image of reality.

Since I read your blog, you have the right answers to everything, really the mind blocks many realities that are not palpable, to take over what you can see, it happens to me that sometimes I cling to the known, even knowing that there can be something more and that can be better! here is that the mind clings to the known.
I'm sure that your conference was a success, I would love to live the experience of listening to your teachings live, the atmosphere would be full of good vibes, greetings friend.

I have answers, and so do you. They exist right here, next to the known reality.

Indeed this sounds like you really delivered an exceptional lecture to that audience in Israel.

Dealing with the mind is indeed an uneasy thing. You have indeed grown in experience and become an expert in handling the guards that people's minds put up in resistance of the dream interpretations that you always unfold. Its a great scientific approach that everyone that chooses to capitalize in this activity has to master.

Thanks for sharing @nomad-magus

חלומות הם לא משהו מוחשי ולפעמים גם מפרשים אותם לא נכון ואז מתאכזבים ולכן לדעתי אנשים רוצים להיות צמודים לקרקע למציאות שהם מכירים ואצל הרבה מאיתנו הצד הרציונאלי עובד יותר חזק וכל הזמן משדר לנו שזה כאילו שטויות..בקיצור מקשה עלינו להתחבר ברצינות לנושא.

כן, המוח עובד שעות נוספות
עד שמגיע אירוע שאי אפשר להסביר אותו רציונלית ושכבת המגן נסדקת...

Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, but whether people welcome it or not, dreams are real, they are too real to be mistaken for a wrong or a mare nightmare.

I have dreamt dreams and most of them have come to pass exactly or almost exactly to my dreams.

But like you said, people tend to close their mind to receive new things if it does not agree with what they had already know.

I have dreamt dreams and most of them have come to pass exactly or almost exactly to my dreams.

You have had prophetic dreams of which I have written:

You are the best teacher Indeed it sounds like you actually deliver a superb lecture to an audience that in Israel.
This woman's responses indicate, that you are treated as specialists who bring dreams of the condition of the room was so energetic .....

During a break, a young woman approached me and said that the energy in the room was quite exceptional

Congratulations initiated in June my Teacher @nomad-magus

Thank you 🙏

Your welcome my teacher @nomad-magus

Its cool that you're treated as a dream specialist. You're really good at it. God bless you.

I am having a hard time remembering my dreams, but I know the feeling that I have while I was asleep I know the happiness I felt in my dreams are what I have always wanted in my wake up state. The joy is different and I know it's a good dream although I cant clearly remember it. :)

Dreams are special and they are the outlet of our subconscious. I hope you can still read my comment @nomad-magus, thank you! :)

In such situations, when you only have the good feeling without the details of the dream, just breathe deeply, breathe the dream in, so to speak, without much thinking, and you will see its effects quite soon!

Thank you very much @nomad-magus! I will definitely do that.😊

Your post resteemed by @steemch

During the break, a young woman approached me and remarked that the energies in the room were quite exceptional.

Why am I not surprised at all?

... And it was actually nothing I have done. Those people allowed themselves to open up to welcome their own soul selves, to be present during the lecture.
A true blessing for them and myself.

nice post my friend :)

Wow not everyone is given a chance to talk in public , great job be he inspiration to everyone

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Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities building are so cool.They are so beautiful and environment so calm.

The reason you say is very clear. This means that in every meeting let alone covering with lectures, our enthusiasm to hear or listen to the previous question or question and answer session. Where in this case is very important where brilliant creativity or ideas can be expelled or talent in science. Better yet I can respect what you say in my opinion. Because the previous one did not do this, maybe it's a natural thing to respect people to be reliable. Hopefully your post is useful. Thanks you @nomad-magus