Ledger update 050123

in #ledgerlast year

I have been away working but logging in today I see that I get to claim 5.126 HBD towards MyRV!

I wanted to buy a Tioga Fleetwood in 2011 and probably should have, but in 2012 life changed again and I ended up paying rent for places that were not mobile. Renting is ok if you just want to pay to live, but I would like to own something one day. Although home prices are astronomical, the freedom to travel makes an RV much more appealing to me, in the summer at least.

I drive a vehicle about this size for work every week, so living in one doesn't bother me so much. It will be nice to have a bed in the back to sleep, or to be able to go from place to place. Or moreover, not to have to go anywhere, and to park where I can relax.

I was tired of not making any progress towards this, working and paying bills takes up so much of my income. This ledger here is however the start- some insurance towards it.


Where will I go? What will I do?

There are plenty of places to go, reasons to be there, people to see!
Ever since College I have wanted to do a roadtrip across Canada, and all around the United States! I wonder how safe it is down there these days, but even still to stay in Canada there is so much to see. I wanted to take the time to explore here more, before I go south. Over the past decade I have visited all sorts of places across my own province, and I have ventured through BC, carefully, a bit. Saskatchewan is a whole prairie to explore, and in Manitoba I might need a boat. Ontario seems to be mostly lakes, and if I can make it all the way to Quebec I might need to bring extra gas because other than a few cities, it seems largely unpopulated. Vast areas between Quebec and Labrador seem to be natural lands undisturbed by construction or power.


In America there may be areas like this also, but there are so many people in the United States that it will without a doubt be a different experience entirely. There are certain places I will definitely not wander, if I am travelling through the USA in the future. Will I need a Zero-Emission Recreational Vehicle? Will there be tolls I have to pay to pass through? What are the rules in the different states? There are many things I will need to learn as I prepare, but if I have an event tour with certain locations I will just go from Holiday Inn to Holiday Inn! Or maybe visit some Parks and see the sights.


It makes more sense to stick to the West coast when I go south, maybe I can see the Golden Gate Bridge or DisneyLand, or a nice campground. I might be interested in all the garage sale deals everywhere I go! Even if I stay close to home, having an RV will be great!

If anyone would like to help, please donate 10 HIVE or 5 HBD!
@MyRV is the ledger for My RV in the future. I am saving up for it using Hive!