Allow me to ask do you think before civilized cultures (pre 19th century) there where no laws? No judges?
That is silly question. If you read my series 'All roads lead to the Rome', you will know that I never said that. Don't know where did you get that idea that I think that?!
And the spirit (being inside us) is even governed by laws.
First, I will say that spirit is not inside you, you are the spirit. Body is just vehicle so that spirit can experience this reality. It has to have some form of vehicle, because in it's core spirit has no shape and it is limitless.
Don't know how spirit is governed by laws. Spirit/Consciousness/Soul or whatever you want to call it is not limited by any law. It is completely free. Don't know exactly in which way you imply that spirit is governed by laws. If you mean on natural laws, I would disagree. Many people that natural laws can be bend; in form of drinking snake venom, energy healing,...anything that science say it can't happen.
I cant fully agree that laws and judges are bad.
I would say they are. Reasons are next:
First of all, laws and judges are used mainly for control. If judges were spiritual being, that will be different story. But if would have spiritual evolved judges, we would already be in higher state of awareness and wouldn't need them at all. Same imply for law...Do you behave according to laws or your heart or lack of heart? Of course it is according to your heart. You don't know any law and you will never know any law, because you already know that you are behaving according to your moral principals. So why to have laws? They are only used for control.
Do you understand that you must first undo the process of servitude that was never explained to generations of parents?
Isn't obvious I'm implying that thru my articles?
And that the spirit is in contract, in exchange for the life it lives here on earth.
With whom is in contract?
Do you have to be in contract to have body to have experience on Earth?
The pineal gland has been said and alluded to as the store house to the spirit. It has been handed down for countless generations in symbolism as a third eye, kudalini, or symbollically as a pine cone.
This can be traced back pre egypt to sumarians.
My arguement is, this. Rome had made quite a few maritime laws. Which yes have some effect today. Yet theyre nothing but a figurehead, like the Queen. I have read different cannons by different epistles.
I mean the spirit is in contract in exchange for life: karma, omnipresent, g-d, whatever youd like to call it is a real "judge."
Science fails to even justify science. Science is an approach to something based upon a formula. Etc.
Does this make sense to you?
I would disagree spirit is located only in the brain. Pineal gland is probably some sort of gateway. There is many evidence that consciousness exist beyond brain. (For those who are open minded to see it)
I disagree. My opinion is that is one of matrix illusions keeping souls in trap from incarnation to incarnation...