New ideas for content? Streaming on DLive?
I've been thinking about streaming on DLive, but I didn't have too many ideas for content. I've always been interested in livestreaming but never really had the connection or the resources to do so (I do have a Logitech C930 but no good microphone or green screens, for example).
I have streamed dance games in the past but that's actually quite difficult to capture everything in good angles and lighting, so it isn't something I do too often. It'd take more commitment to really get it going and I'd have to pour some more money into it.
I have been considering building a new PC anyway so this is just a natural extension of that and incorporating some use out of the new hardware (I want to divorce my ITG setup from my main computer because it now lags from having so many crypto-related tabs open).

Does anyone like Lego?
Lego has been one of my staple interests ever since I was 4. It's been something that has followed me throughout life and I've never lost passion for it. With that kind of extensive history and a high database of bricks in my head, I can build intricate models with relative ease that generally look like what they're supposed to.
Recently, I picked up Lego Digital Designer and I've gotten into building things in the program. I've been building a series of arcade machines, specifically rhythm games like Dance Dance Revolution, In The Groove, Pump It Up and others!
I'm open to building other things too:
Skyscrapers and other architecturally-designed infrastructure
Military hardware (Naval + Aircraft)
Non-military hardware?? (Passenger and cruise ships, Passenger aircraft)
Satellites and Rockets
Exotic cars
Fictional things? Craft from films + games, maybe things like Transformers?
I mostly like manmade craft and vehicles, so most of what I build is generally of a similar kind of thing (things made of metal and have straight lines). I'm still not very experienced with the full scope of the program and the truly limitless options that Lego in a virtual space can afford the builder, but I'm sure I can discover interesting new things to build over time.
For now though, I need to configure my DLive with Open Broadcaster Software and figure out how to get it working. As you can see from my last three posts, I was still testing it out! Please don't upvote them!!!