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RE: how to play, the knew weigh

in #lennythyme6 years ago

Dear @lennythyme.

I tell you something I identify a lot with this sentence.

To start, the game is Existence. You get born as a solo human, and slowly accommodate into the world. You identify parents, brothers and sisters. This family stays around for a while, almost 20 years. You get indoctrinated into the way that is, by learning common vocabulary, concepts of thought and general useful engagement items. Who you learn from is highly important, learning is a lifetime adventure.

Now when we are teachers, as is my case, this learning is linked to a constant update with more time than we are living today so changing and we must adapt to these changes, but in order to adapt we must learn in three stages.

  1. Past
  2. Present
  3. Uncertain future

I send a big greeting from Venezuela to a country that fights for its freedom.