the Knew Games

in #lennythyme6 years ago (edited)

Russia, RUSSIA, #Russia ... The Russians are Coming, the Russians are Coming. NYET. Thyme to become a Russian. Queue the music, maestro.

The Russians have made a direct assault on the Duchy of Grand Fenwick. The Grand Poobah in waiting, Windy Herbislife, has announced inactions to take while not paying attention to current reel-time events. Chamomile tea with Mullein leaf provides excellent vibrational resonance to mellow howdt the whole planet. We are Steward of Living Earth!


There are two choices, pay to play and play to pay. The knew games are interactive stereotype breakers - where nothing is reel, so there's nothing to get hung about. Unless, of course, we choose to hang your character in the live action improv role play. We will be marketing the Knew Weigh guillotine for the banksters, dock attendants and liars, along with the few folks that catch on that there is more there, there, than meets the eye.


To begin the journey, you must be grandfathered. The games that have already been have players that have already qualified and are grandfathered into the game at current cost. Since the game website is not online, the weigh to get skin in the game is to discord over to the weigh knew radio program server and be in the chatroom during a show. The show must go on ... in Karen, we trust.


Crypto-fiction auditions for knew cast members is here-bye announced. If you wish to play royalty, the buy in will come depending on the status of your piece on the chessboard. Pawn lives cost a dollah, Knights and Bishops lives cost 3 dollah, Rooks are five dollah, five dollah, Queen life is eight dollah and to be the King costs thirteen dollah.


The rules of the game have yet to be determined - no grandfathered player may enter this game - it is only for newbies. You may buy as many lives for your character as you think you might need. If you play chess, go here and challenge lemme howdt to a game. Backdoors are always useful to the intelligence community - but most peeps are not that Smart.


Do knot, bee attached, to your character's character ... you are a role player in a LARP, a live action role play. You play yourself, we improv the role. The plan is to create six lines of future and past history, each that exists at its own frequency dimension. My team is gold - the lead actors are silver, while the bronze players are the supporting cast. Buy in commitments can be made to self ... the game begins when Doc formally returns.


4 the Thyme Being : lemme howdt (at human scale) w Izzy the Wonderdog



Hi LENNY...discord not working ...cant connect to discord
Noticed i have no way to contact you other than discord...then this came to me
Want to leave email but don't think this is private