Image Size, Sub-Categories & More Search Filters || News & Updates

in #lensy4 years ago (edited)
Authored by @victoriabsb

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We are slowly rolling out new features to improve user experience, and are always on the look out for user feedback and sugestions on how and what to add in the next round of updates.

New Sub-Categories

Adding to our main categories of Fine Art Photography and Stock Photography we now have sub-categories for you to choose when tokenizing a photo.


Abstract, Architecture, Black & White, Candid, Conceptual, Documentary, Food, landscape, Macro, Manipulated, Mobile, Nature, Portrait, Street.

There is something for everyone in photography, and we have added the most popular ones to let you choose from. Let us know if you think there is a category missing that is important to add.

New gallery filters


Keeping with the previous update we also added the search option for the subcategories, making it easier for potential buyers to find what they may be looking for more easily.

Recently Updated
This search option will display recently updated photos, giving fair chance to old photos that got a price update and to secondary market listings. Since changing the price is free the photo will only move up in position once per day, to prevent abuse of this new feature.

Image Size
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Right now the image size determination is done in the background so when you tokenize the system picks up automatically the size of your file to categorize it for this search filter.

Keep in mind you can still load a low res file and use the unlockables to load a bigger one but we recommend to add this info on your description when you tokenize so a potential buyer knows this.

Previous photos that need to be categorize

As before when we introduced the Fine Art and Stockdiscord server. Main Categories, this change won't retroactively affect previous photos that were tokenized, since we need the photographer to choose the category they want their work to be in. We will be taking requests to add the category and subcategory to your photos in the #Help channel of our


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For any questions or support please visit us in our Discord

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Hey Lensy, I've just stumbled onto your platform, I've been looking at the NFT space for artists but there hasn't been one for photographers so I am super keen to get involved. I have applied for the whitelist through your website. Great work \m/